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This topic is dedicated to learn how to write a script and differentiate the relevant information that must be transmitted when promoting heritage through a multimedia element. Additionally, you will learn how to record voiceover and combine it with music to accompany and highlight the values of the cultural or natural good. This topic is divided into four lessons:

  1. Writing a script for a certain multimedia content: the script needs a deep research on the heritage element to be promoted, the deeper the research the greater the quality of the script.
  2. Search for a music track according to the characteristics and values of the cultural or natural asset: the selected music should not affect the storytelling or the script but should be adapted to it. In this sense, music has a very strong evocative power.
  3. Sound recording in situ, tips to eliminate outside noise: the external sound needs to be recorded with the best possible quality.
  4. Recording script readings in the studio room:  the script should be recorded in conditions that guarantee its optimal quality, so you must look for enclosed spaces and audio equipment in conditions.

Once this topic is completed and approved, teachers and students will be able to: 

  • Write a script that summarizes the most important values of a heritage reality.
  • Select the music that best accompanies the script developed.
  • Record the script for the chosen heritage reality.

The main objectives of this topic are described in the following video: 

The following table shows all the materials preprared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 1 of Topic 2. Writing a Script for a certain multimedia content. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description , the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L1 Writing a Script for a certain multimedia  content
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T2.L1. Writing a script (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)
How to write a script that summarizes all the values assigned to the heritage reality 

at home (previous to the lesson -flip-teaching) or in the classroom

Solve doubts about previous Activities T1.L1.1 and T1.L1.2   

Explain Video T2.L1 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)    Explain Activities A.T2.L1.1 and A.T2.L1.2 (for students to do at home) 

  Explain requirements of the photo-video concept multimedia to be part of O-City World platform 

  Do Activity A.T2.L1.3 in the classroom. Propose students to write in the classroom a short description of their selected heritage on the O-City World Platform   

Optionally propose the Extra activity EA.T2.L1.1

T2T Activity A.T2.L1.1. Identify the characteristics of the cultural or natural good that must be transmitted (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Investigate the cultural or natural element to identify only what is relevant for the script 2h at home
Activity A.T2.L1.2. First review (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Write a brief review of a selected heritage reality  2h at home
Activity A.T2.L1.3. Heritage proposal (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Complete the O-City file with the information obtained in the written script on the O-City World Platform  2h in the classroom 
S2P Extra activity EA.T2.L1.1. Describe the heritage (activity factsheet in pdf) Create a SWOT matrix for a selected cultural or natural asset, in order to see the strengths and opportunities that can be obtained from weaknesses or threats. In this way, it will be easier to organize the information that should be included in the script  2h in the classroom

The following table shows all the materials preprared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 2 of Topic 2 Search for a music track according to the characteristics and values of the cultural or natural asset. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description , the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L2 Search for a music track according to the characteristics and values of the cultural or natural asset
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T2.L2. Search for a music track (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf) Search for a music track according to the characteristics and values of the cultural or natural asset  
at home (previous to the lesson -flip-teaching) or in the classroom

Solve doubts about previous Activities T2.L1.1 and T2.L1.2 

Explain Video T2.L2 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)    Explain Activities A.T2.L2.1 and A.T2.L2.2, and optionally propose  the Extra activity EA.T2.L2.1  

T2T Activity A.T2.L2.1. Musical genres (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Make a list of musical genres and another list of heritage types  2h at home
Activity A.T2.L2.2. Select music (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Think of a specific heritage reality and look for the music that would accompany that cultural or natural good  2h at home
S2P Extra activity EA.T2.L2.1. Search and analyse: Analysing music in Documentaries  (activity factsheet in pdf) Find three documentary programs on natural heritage, material cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage and analyse the chosen music  2h at home

The following table shows all the materials preprared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 3 of Topic 2 Sound recording in situ, tips to eliminate outside noise ​​​​​​. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description , the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L3 Sound recording in situ, tips to eliminate outside noise 
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T2.L3. Sound recording in situ (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf) How to record the external sound with the best possible quality for the final audio-visual content. Tips to eliminate outside noise  
at home (previous to the lesson -flip-teaching) or in the classroom

Solve doubts about previous Activities A.T2.L2.1 and A.T2.L2.2 

Explain Video T2.L3 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)    Explain Activity A.T2.L3.1, and optionally propose  the Extra activity EA.T2.L3.1

Pill T2.L3.1. Example of use of Voice Record Pro (video)  
at home 
T2T Activity A.T2.L3.1. Record and listen (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Record with a mobile phone the ambient sound environment that can be identified in the space of the selected cultural or natural asset   3h in the street
S2P Extra activity EA.T2.L3.1. Listen to the Heritage  (activity factsheet in pdf) Walk around the city, observe and analyze the heritage and learn to listen to ambient sounds to select which ones should be recorded and how 2h in the street

The following table shows all the materials preprared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 4 of Topic 2 Recording script readings in the studio room ​​​​​​. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description , the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L4 Recording script readings in the studio room
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T2.L4. Recording script readings (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf) Record the reading of the script in the studio room  
at home (previous to the lesson -flip-teaching) or in the classroom Solve doubts about previous Activity A.T2.L3.1     Explain Video T2.L4 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)    Explain Activity A.T2.L4.1, and optionally propose the Extra activities EA.T2.L4.1 and EA.T2.L4.2  
Pill T2.L4.1.  Example of use of Audacity (video)  
at home 
T2T Activity A.T2.L4.1. Record and voiceover (video, video content in pdf, activity factsheet in pdf) Record in an interior space the reading of a script prepared for the selected heritage   3h at home
S2P Extra activity EA.T2.L4.1. Improving the voiceove (activity factsheet in pdf) Improve the script in a closed space, read the document and record in different places to recognize the differences  2h at home
Extra activity EA.T2.L4.2. Log and record (activity factsheet in pdf) Write a short script, read it aloud so it can be recorded and then look for music that complements it. Work with the free license program Recording Studio  4h in the street