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This topic explores the definition of Intellectual Property. The main objective of this topic is for learners to understand the concept of intellectual property.

Definition of intellectual property: In order to understand the course, it is necessary to begin by understanding the concept of intellectual property. This concept will be followed by the categories of IP.


The main objectives of this topic are described in the following video:



The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 1 of Topic 1. What is intellectual property?. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload, and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L1 What is Intellectual Property?
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T What is Intellectual Property? (lesson content in pdf, video content pdf, video) Teachers will learn the concept of Intellectual Property and its categories. 2h Home




Workshop 1: Activity 1 – Understanding intellectual property through examples.








Activity 1: Intellectual Property of the Mona Lisa.


Approaching the knowledge of Intellectual Property through an example:

Navigating Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property – The Story of the Yakuanoi (activity factsheet, video content pdf, video).

Workshops prepared for the teachers to use in the classroom or customize them in whole or in part before taking them to the classroom. 3h Classroom
S2P Activity 1: Intellectual Property of the Mona Lisa (activity factsheet). Activity to understand intellectual property. 2h Classroom