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Emotional Intelligence, (EI), is a term created by two researchers – Peter Salavoy and John Mayer – and popularized by Dan Goleman in his 1996 book of the same name.  Goleman described EI as “The ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, to motivate ourselves and to properly manage relationships”.


In practical terms, a person who is emotionally intelligent is whose is capable to manage in a good way their emotions for achieving positive results in their relationships.


Empathy, motivational capacity, leadership…. There are some of the abilities which are used as indicators of EI.

On balance, EI plays a central role in the success or failure of any type of relationships: family, friendship, romantic and, also, in your work, where it can help you to achieve your career.

Through the next three lessons, we are going to focus on three of the abilities related to EI: empathy, assertiveness, and respect.

The main objectives of this topic are described in the following video:


The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T, S2P) for Lesson 1 of Topic 3. Understanding others: emotional intelligence. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L1 Empathy
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T3.L1. Empathy (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about how to increase our level of empathy and understanding of others, so to better the nature of our social interrelationships.

15' at home (flip-teaching) or in the classroom        

Explain Video T3.L1 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)


Explain Activity A.T3.L1.1

T2T Activity A.T3.L1.1. Cliff metaphor (activity factsheet) This short exercise is aimed to help teachers to challenge their students with a fictitious situation they would face and that they need to answer, using their sense of empathy to find the right way to answer. 20' in the classroom

The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T, S2P) for Lesson 2 of Topic 3. Understanding others: emotional intelligence. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L2 Assertiveness
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T3.L2. Assertiveness (lesson content in pdf, videovideo content in pdf) Explanation about how to become more assertive. 15' at home  (flip-teaching) or  in the classroom

Solve doubts about previous Activity T3.L1.1


Explain Video T3.L2 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)


The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T, S2P) for Lesson 3 of Topic 3. Understanding others: emotional intelligence. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L3 Respect
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T3.L3. Respect (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about respect and how this basic principle of emotional intelligence fosters good relationships and quality of communication and collaboration with others.

15' at home  (flip-teaching) or  in the classroom

Explain Video T3.L3 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)