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Activity A.T3.L1.1 Find title and subtitle

This activity helps student to choose the title and subtitle of their own podcast starting to creative imputes.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity in your class to our students:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T3.L1.2 Find the style and segment

This activity helps student to choose the style of their own podcast starting to creative imputes and learn how to transform the content and the knowledge in a new form.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity in your class to our students:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf just in case you want to use it in your classroom: