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Audio Recording and Music

In this lesson, we will learn:

1. What Audio recording is

2. How to record clean Audio and where

3. Types of microphones

4. Field recorders

5. How to capture ambient sound with your mobile phone

6. How to choose music for your video




The sound (language or music with perfect volume and speed) can be in absolute symphony with your video. We need not only our footage but our audio recording to be as clean as possible by recording the right source and excluding second sources such us car noises, airplanes, etc.

You will need different types of sounds for your audio-visual:

- Voice-over: you should record the narrative script of your project at home using your PC or your mobile phone. In both cases you should be careful with external noises. Remember that the narrative script should match the purpose of your audiovisual: transmit the values of the heritage, report its situation, highlight the importance of its preservation, ...

- Ambient sound: it helps to understand better the value of the heritage we are disseminating. For example, capture the flora and fauna sounds in a natural heritage or the sound of a city where the chosen heritage is located. You can use a field recorder or your mobile phone, but you need to follow the recommendations to record clean audio.

- Music: you should choose a music track that match not only the heritage but also the message to be transmitted.  For example, if you choose some heritage from Middle Ages, it would be appropriate to look for music of the same period; or if you selected a relaxing natural heritage, it would not be advisable to use heavy metal music.

- In-situ voice recording (optional), if you want to include an interview in your project or to shoot somebody promoting the values of the selected heritage. In this case you need to follow the recommendations to record clean audio and select the appropriate type of microphone, or even use your mobile phone.




If you are recording somewhere exterior, cars, wind etc. can do a lot of damage to your records and your final result. Study carefully the place you choose.  If you are recording somewhere interior pay attention to Echo and the sounds from the Electronical devices inside the room (if there are any.). A good solution is to create an improvised soundproof base (you can use soundproof curtains or soundproof foam.) so you can reduce the Echo as much as possible. It is very annoying for the spectator a poor sound recording.



Shotgun mic 

This type of microphones are intended for one direction recording.Therefore, their most common use is for exterior unexpected interviews, vlogs, etc.




Flap mic

This type of microphones is small and they can be put on your subject. Therefore, they are the most famous microphone for interviews.




Boom mic

This type of microphone is commonly used for movies/films, broadcasts, and documentaries. They are on the top of a very long stick and therefore they need an extra member for your crew.






Field recorders or Independent audio recorder devices are devices that work separately from the camera and you can use this audio later (editing) to combine it with your footage. You can also use your mobile phone as an Independent audio recording device by downloading specific apps or your camera.






It is important to understand how we should record the ambient sound with the best possible quality if we do not have a microphone. There are many ways to attenuate annoying wind noise when recording outdoors. Everything will depend on your position and the type of equipment you use.


What are the best tools to record voice and edit on mobile?

To record the locutions in situ and the ambient sound we can use our mobile phone. If there is a lot of wind, we must protect the microphone of the mobile phone with a wind protector or with our hands. 

First, we have to download an audio recording application:




Then, we use the application to record the audio clips and export the clips to the program with which we will edit the final video:






In order to edit the video, you must search for a music track according to the characteristics and values of the cultural or natural asset. The objective will be to recognize which music best accompanies each of the heritage elements.

The music accompanies and highlights the values of the cultural or natural good. The selected music should not affect the storytelling but should be adapted to it.


For example:

If we are going to transmit detailed information, we will have to choose a flat background song, without many changes and that does not attract the attention of the viewer. It will be a support song.


You should consider music as a part of the script, which provides information and does not compete with narration. You can find free audio resources in Youtube:



Also, this website is plenty of online music resources: libre/




We must consider that after we record our sound we will have to mix it or blend it with our video footage by using editing software. Also make sure to record at least 5 minutes the ambient of the place you are about to shoot. This might help you to cover potential mistakes or give your footage a better aesthetic.





Knowing the right audio recording will give a better resolution to your final project and also make it feel more alive.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Pill T3.L3.1 How to get free music

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Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF: