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Legal Framework for the Registration of Intellectual Property 


We have already learned that traditionally, intellectual property is defined as the creative works – books, music, art, inventions and discoveries, software, brand names – that are protected by copyright, trademarks, and patents. In the following lesson, teachers will learn about the World Intellectual Property Organization and Creative Commons.

The reason why we will define only these two concepts is that they will be our references when registering intellectual property in O-City. On the one hand, we have the World Intellectual Property Organization, the world's leading reference in intellectual property regulation, and on the other hand, the different Creative Commons licenses that adapt to the needs of O-City in terms of creative content.


Recognize the current legal framework for the registration of intellectual property of the products that are designed for the O-City Platform.


World Intellectual Property Organization -WIPO-, specialized agency of the United Nations promotes the protection of intellectual property throughout the world.
Its objective is to develop an international intellectual property (IP) system that is balanced, accessible, and rewards creativity, stimulates innovation, and contributes to economic development while safeguarding the public interest.



Source: WIPO


Creative Commons -CC-, is a global nonprofit organization that enables sharing and reuse of creativity and knowledge through the provision of free legal tools. Our legal tools help those who want to encourage reuse of their works by offering them for use under generous, standardized terms; those who want to make creative uses of works; and those who want to benefit from this symbiosis. Our vision is to help others realize the full potential of the internet. CC has affiliates all over the world who help ensure our licenses work internationally and who raise awareness of our work. (Creative Commons, n.d.)


Source: Research Outreach



Learning the legal framework of intellectual property and Creative Commons is necessary in order to register multimedia on the O-City platform. Understanding how the WIPO and CC work will give clarity to the concepts and will ensure a better understanding of the process of registering multimedia.



Creative Commons 
Research Outreach
World Intellectual Property Organization

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L1. Legal Framework for the Registration of Intellectual Property

Below you will find the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse

Here you have the content of this lesson in pdf: