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The following table shows the topics and the corresponding lessons:

T1. What is intellectual property? L1. Definition and categories                                                                                         

T2. Legal framework for O-City

L1. Legal framework for O-City
L2. Classification according to World Intellectual Property Organization
 T3. Creative Commons - CC L1. Creative Commons - CC

T4. Steps to Upload Multimedia

to the O-City Platform

L1. How to create a license

The first topic, What is Intellectual Property? will be the first contact we will have with the world of intellectual property. Therefore, we will concentrate on its definition according to the WIPO. 

In the second topic, Legal Framework for O-City, we will learn about the legal framework of intellectual property, that is, the world organization of intellectual property. We will also identify each one of its categories. After learning about the WIPO, we will have an introduction to Creative Commons.

In the last topic, Creative Commons, we will focus on Creative Commons, we will understand how the organization works and we will learn about the different licenses they handle and how it will serve us in the world of O-City. 

Throughout this last topic, Steps to Upload Multimedia to the O-City Platform, we will have the opportunity to put into practice the concepts learned during the course. Its main objective is to learn how to use Creative Commons  in order to registry multimedia on the O-City platform.