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One of the purposes of O-City is that teachers use our training program, not only to learn, but also to incorporate the O-City project into their daily academic activities in the classroom, where their students will create multimedia based on photos.  In this sense, teachers will choose which contents of the photo-video concept course (and other related courses: culture, IP, business and soft skills) are useful for them depending of their previous training; and which contents to take to their classroom, depending on the type of subject or level of their students.

In general, the educational materials developed are classified into three types


  • Teacher to learn (T2L): contents (videos, ppts, pdfs, …) to provide teachers with a basic technical knowledge applied to cultural and natural heritage. Teachers will transmit this knowledge to their students (they can use the same contents in the classroom).


  • Teacher to teach (T2T): contents (videos, ppts, pdfs, …) and activities prepared for teachers to use in the classroom. These activities are prepared to be directly developed by the teacher in the classroom and they can be adapted to the subject and to the educational level. The T2T activities are the ones recommended to get that students create the multimedia based on photos.


  • Student to practice (S2P): optional extra activities prepared for students to go deep into some topic. Teachers will decide if they propose some S2P activity or not.

Each topic of the course is divided in lessons. Each lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with his/her students.  For each lesson a table  like the one shown below is provided, which includes links to all the materials prepared for the teacher (T2L, T2L and S2P):

LX Lesson Name
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
Video TX.LX. Description (
lesson content in pdf,
video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about ...


Describe what to do in class
Pill TX.LX
Describe resources

T2T Resources Describe resources Time Place
T2T Resources Describe resources Time Place
S2P Activities Describe activities Time Place

The materials (videos and pills) prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) can also be used directly in the classroom (teacher to teach – T2T), or a task for the students can be assigned, which consists on watching the videos at home before the class (in green colour in the tables). The latter option is known as flip-teaching, in which the time in class is used to solve doubts and go further into the project. Videos explain the theoretical concepts of a lesson, whereas pills show practical examples of these theoretical concepts to help in the understanding. As said before, the objective of this course is that the students, guided for a teacher who has took this course, develop multimedia based on photos to be uploaded in O-City World platform. To achieve this goal several activities are recommended for each lesson (teacher to teach, T2T- in blue colour) and it is detailed if the students need to work in the classroom, in the street (most of them) or at home. Extra activities (Student to practice, S2P – in salmon colour) are proposed for those teachers who want to go deeper into the topic of the lesson. Additionally, recommendations of what to do in class in each lesson are included. Students should deliver all the proposed activities before the following lesson, when the teacher will solve their doubts (if students do not do/deliver the activity, they won’t have doubts). After solving their doubts, students should correct their activities and deliver them again to the teacher. Although working in team to develop the multimedia is highly recommended, most of the proposed activities can be done individually to get better results.