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Lead Through Experimentation

What does the word "leadership" mean to you? Does that mean being good at your job, loving yourself, or being responsible for everything? What makes a great leader?

According to Simon Sinek, leader is someone who makes their employees feel safe is who draws people into the circle of trust. But building trust and security - especially in an uneven economy - means taking on a lot of responsibility.

In this lesson we will learn what things you need to have on mind while you are improving your business model.


Improving Business Model

When you are improving your business model there are three things you need to have on your mind. Those are :

  1. Language
  2. Accountability and
  3. Facilitation

Resource: Pixabay

It is very important to be aware of the tone and language phrases that you are using while leading your team. In communication use words such as WE, US, OUR. With these words, members can feel a sense of belonging.

When we are talking about responsibility, you need to provide your team members a chance to report how they are progressing towards business outcomes. You need to work constantly on your communication skills.

Resource: Pixabay

Inventing Business Model

Working on new business models requires experimentation and openness when mistakes occur. Since you are starting with a hypothesis, you will have to be open-minded if the hypothesis turns out to be wrong.


Steps Leaders Can Take (Testing Business Ideas, 2019):

  1. Create an Enabling Environment - Give people enough time and resources for testing ideas. Also, you need to give them independence in decision-making.

  1. Remove Obstacles and Open Doors - Provide your team members access to all resources such as access to Customers, Brands, IP, and Other Resources.
  2. Make Sure Evidence Trumps Opinion - The leader should encourage the team to make a convincing case for an evidence-based idea.

  1. Ask Questions Rather Than Provide Answers - Leaders need to encourage and help teams to grow.

  1. Create More Leaders - It is good for a leader to know all team members well and to actively listen and understand the context before giving advice to team members.


What determines whether you will be a good leader? You don’t have to worry too much because you can learn how to be a good leader. It will primarily depend on you, but also on your organizations. You need to fully understand your motivations, goals, but also your strengths and weaknesses along the way. You need good communication skills and that is what true leaders stand out for. Be a leader who supports your employees, encourages them to grow and develop and provides them with all the support they need by giving and giving feedback.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T5.L2. Lead Through Experimentarion

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse