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The Need for Preservation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage for the Identity of Social Groups and Development

Teachers will learn UNESCO’s strategy for dissemination:

-    foster cultural and social inclusion of people residing in the regions.
-    promote the cultural expressions and participation of all peoples in culture.
-    maintain and develop cultural sites, spaces, and infrastructure


Why is it necessary to have a dissemination strategy to preserve Cultural Heritage?

“Natural and cultural heritage sites, museums, libraries and archive collections around the world are increasingly becoming the collateral victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. The upsurge in wilful destruction of heritage, whether in Afghanistan, the Middle East or Africa, over the past decade demonstrates UNESCO’s enduring relevance in leading international efforts to prevent the pillage and illicit trafficking of cultural property”(“Preserving our heritage,” 2012)

What is the link between Cultural Heritage and development?

“As a source of identity, heritage is a valuable factor for empowering local communities and enabling vulnerable groups to participate fully in social and cultural life. It can also provide time-tested solutions for conflict prevention and reconciliation.”(“Preserving our heritage,” 2012). “Heritage has today become a powerful instrument in the economic and territorial development of a community, when properly valorized and promoted, often in the context of tourism-related activities.” (UNESCO)


Our cultural heritage is a fundamental part of our identity as a community and at the individual level. It is also an integral feature of the environment in which we live, work or simply enjoy visiting. Our ancestors are the best example of what we can do and what we can become. This understanding of our heritage can also help us explain to others who we are and where we want to be, it shows them how strong can we be and how much we can accomplish if we protect our heritage.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L1. The Need for Preservation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage for the Identity of Social Groups and Development

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

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Here you can find the content of this lesson in pdf: