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Table 1 shows the three topics, each one divided into three lessons:



L1. The white space                                                                                         
L2. From strip to page
L3. Noises and words

Stories in

L1. Without Conflict there is no story
L2. The characters are the reader's mirror
L3. Storyboard and framing dialectics

Telling stories

using signs
L1. Order and readability are better than beautiful
L2. About the readability of the panel, the page and
general fluency
L3. Signs and colour

                                                                                               Table 1. Structure of the course in topics and lessons

The first topic deals with the key elements that make up a strip, a board and then a whole comic strip story. The combination of words, signs and drawings creates the comic strip and in this first topic these elements and their composition will be explained so as to create a comic strip story with the aim of illustrating and narrating Cultural Heritage.

The second topic deals with the general theme of the construction of the story: characters, setting, structure, shots, the search for comics references of places and people. All these elements aim to create a storyboard and then proceed to the writing of the dialogues in order to make the characters alive and create in the reader the emotional closeness to the story, so as to identify and become passionate about the story he is reading.

Finally, the third topic leads us to the final realization of the comic strip story. After having imagined, conceived, created, drawn and made the story tangible, now is the time to make it definitive and ready to be read. To do this we will go into the details of the composition, the shots, the drawing of the characters and their acting skills and finally the review of the final drawings and their coloring. All this will help us to make the story as truthful as possible, having places, characters and dialogues that correspond to the reality and narration of a place. In this way, the comic strip helps us to make even complex and apparently boring or difficult to tell subjects accessible to all age groups.