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Diafragm, Shutter Speed and Sensitivity ISO


In this lesson, we will learn how to use three new elements of the camera to correctly disseminate the values of the heritage element:

  1. the diaphragm

  2. the shutter speed

  3. the sensitivity


The diaphragm is a part of the objective that limits the light entering the camera. The openness of the diaphragm is what is called the diaphragm opening and it is set to the value. It opens or closes to allow light to enter as needed.

If we select a low f value, it means that we have opened the diaphragm and shorten the depth of field to obtain a selective focus of the planes again.


The shutter is a curtain that opens at the time of shooting and limits the time that the light beam penetrates the camera and reaches the digital sensor. The time that the light is reaching the digital sensor is what is called exposure time.


Camera sensors can work at different sensitivities. In this way, at greater sensitivity, they can capture more light. Sensitivity is one more parameter that you can set on your camera in every photo you shoot.


We must consider the automatic values in mobile phones, the resolution of the cameras, the zoom and the effects of filters that can be applied to provide more contrast to the image.


The exposure triangle helps us present an image of heritage that is not underexposed or overexposed.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L3. Diaphram, shutter speed and sensitivity ISO

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Pill 1. Camera settings

The following video shows how to use the diafragm, shutter speed and sensitivity of a camera:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse