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This chapter is dedicated to explaining the innovative learning methodologies that are or can be used in the Critical Thinking course when the teacher takes the course to the classroom.

Case Study (optional)

The case study is an interactive method based directly on the pedagogical process. The case study started in 30 years at Harvard Business School. Examples of study are based on real or fictional situations (problems) in practice that need to be solved independently or in a group. In the case study, participants have to deal with a particularly problematic situation. Students put themselves in the role of leader and, with a proposal, try to solve a particular problem. Common to all case studies is that participants give a positive experience that they can use later in practice

Project Based Learning (optional)

The objective of this course is that students develop a specific project working in teams to develop some of the activities that we propose. Additionally, working in teams through the project encourage collaborative learning: responsible and team autonomous work, increased respect and tolerance, personal growth, improvement of communication skills, internalization of academic knowledge, greater control of the student in the learning process, teamwork, interest, and motivation, improvement of self-esteem, development of intellectual and professional skills and efficient use of resources

Flip-teaching (optional)

Most of the materials prepared for teachers (T2L) can be used by students (T2T). Teachers can propose students to work on these materials at home before the class. In this way, the time in the class can be used to answer queries about the work made at home or to go deeper into the topic. This methodology promotes students’ active involvement. Moreover, it offers a chance to focus class time on the higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). As described by Bloom’s revised taxonomy, by engaging students in complex tasks with the support of the teacher and the involvement of the group of peers. Chapter 5 specifies the activities that can be proposed using this methodology. More information about this methodology can be found in (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).

Blended Learning (optional)

This course combines online educational materials (such as T2T videos described in Chapter 5) and traditional place-based classroom methods. Face-to-face classroom practices are combined with computer-mediated activities that students are assigned to do at home (some T2L activities described in Chapter 5). This methodology allows students to work on their own with new concepts, while teachers can support individually students who need special or customized attention

Gamification (optional)

Teachers can introduce gamification in the course to increase participants’ engagement. Students can get points by doing the proposed activities in Chapter 5 (T2L and S2P). The teacher assigns points to each team (or to each student if the teacher considers necessary that some task is done individually) after assessing each activity and makes the ranking visible. At the end of the course, teacher assigns points to each multimedia created and students assign points to the multimedia created by their peers