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The table shows the seven topics, each one divided into lessons:



T1. Forms of Business Organization

L1. General Forms of Business Organization

T2. Starting a New Venture

L1. Lean Start-up, Online Start-up and Social Venture

T3. Financing a Business

L1. Life Cycle of a Business

L2. Sources of Debt Financing and Equity Financing

T4. Measuring performance in a short term

L1. Accounting Methods

L2. Financial Statements

T5. Statement of Cash Flow

L1. Cash flow statement

L2. Annual report

T6. Financial Ratios

L1. Profitability

L2. Efficiency

L3. Liquidity and Leverage ratios

T7. Cash and Working Capital

L1. Cash

L2. Non-Cash Payment Methods

The first topic of this course is focused on forms of business organizations. We will talk about the difference between Sole Proprietorships, Qualified Joint Venture, Partnerships, Corporations, and Limited Liability Companies.  In this topic course, participants will be able to learn all about the forms of different organizations.


The second topic is about starting a new venture. We will talk about the key factors that an entrepreneur should consider while developing a business model. Also,  it will be explained what lean start-up, an online start-up, and a social venture are.


The third topic is dedicated to financing a new business.  This topic consists of two lessons, and we'll talk more about the Life Cycle of a Business, Sources of Debt Financing, and Sources of Equity Financing. An entrepreneur's dream or idea cannot be realized without some kind of cash flow into the business, because of that we are going to talk about different sources of financing.


The fourth topic is more dedicated to accounting methods and financial statements. Without accurate accounting, the company would not know where it is financially located, which would most likely result in its collapse. The financial statements provide a brief overview of the financial condition of the corporation.  They provide all the information about the company's income, expenses, profitability, and debt.


The fifth topic is dedicated to Cash Flow.  The growth of a business is directly related to the amount of money a particular company currently has. Without money, the company cannot grow in other markets, it cannot expand the range of products and services. Cash Flow is the one that shows us where the cash comes from, where it is going, and can we grow our business.


The sixth topic focuses on financial ratios. Ratios are an important assessment tool that business owners and managers can use to quickly assess an organization’s performance.


The last topic it’s about Cash and Non-Payment Methods. Cash is the most liquid of all company assets. This is what the company mainly uses to settle debts and acquire goods. By generating enough cash, a company can meet its daily business needs and avoid taking on debt.

In the next sections, each topic and its lessons will be described more in detail.