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This section is dedicated to explain the potential innovative learning methodologies that can be used in the photo-video content course when the teacher takes the course to the classroom.

The objective of this course is that students develop a specific project working in teams: a multimedia based on photos. But not only is technical training offered, but also training in culture, IP, business and soft skills (see Chapter 12), so an integral formation in the orange economy sector is offered to students. Additionally, working in teams through the project encourage collaborative learning: responsible and team autonomous work, increased respect and tolerance, personal growth, improvement of communication skills, internalization of academic knowledge, greater control of the student in the learning process, teamwork, interest, and motivation, improvement of self-esteem, development of intellectual and professional skills and efficient use of resources.

Most of the materials prepared for teachers (T2L) can be used by students (T2T). Teachers can propose students to work on these materials at home before the class. In this way, the time in the class can be used to answer queries about the work made at home or to go deeper into the topic. This methodology promotes students’ active involvement. Moreover, it offers a chance to focus class time on the higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). As described by Bloom’s revised taxonomy, by engaging students in complex tasks with the support of the teacher and the involvement of the group of peers. Chapter 5 specifies the activities that can be proposed using this methodology. More information about this methodology can be found in (Bergmann & Sams, 2012).

This course combines online educational materials (such as T2L videos ) and traditional place-based classroom methods. Face-to-face classroom practices are combined with computer-mediated activities that students are assigned to do at home (some T2T activities). This methodology allows students to work on their own with new concepts, while teachers can support individually students who need special or customized attention.

Teachers can introduce gamification in the course to increase participants’ engagement. Students can get points by doing the proposed activities (T2L and S2P). The teacher assigns points to each team (or to each student if the teacher considers necessary that some task is done individually) after assessing each activity and makes the ranking visible. At the end of the course, teacher assigns points to each multimedia created and students assign points to the multimedia created by their peers.

Description of the strategies selected to develop the Heritage and Intellectual Property modules:


  • Self-assessment: 

Made up of small groups of one to seven students, “Self-Assessment” is a type of asynchronous strategy and should be developed in one day or less. Self-assessment is a tool that learners can use to develop learning skills and study habits to achieve virtual success. This activity allows learners feedback on their readiness to succeed in a virtual course and gives them the opportunity to discuss strategies to improve their willingness to work with their peers.
Objective: Self-assess strengths and weaknesses to successfully appropriate the contents of the virtual course.
Activity: Learners will identify virtual learning strategies that could enhance their ability to learn in the virtual classroom. Learners will apply one or more strategies to improve readiness for virtual learning.

  • Lessons learned:

In asynchronous mode, this activity must be carried out in a period of two to three days, in medium groups of eight to fifteen students.
Objective: Share with a story the positive and negative experiences as a user and student of the module and its contents. The teacher will use these experiences to develop virtual relationships taking advantage of the guidance between learners.
Activity: The learner will share their understanding of what they have to learn from their positive and negative experiences as a student. The learner will share the lesson they have to learn from their positive and negative experiences as a user of the study platform. Learners will develop relationships with their classmates.

  • Storytelling: 

This activity lasts two to three days, is carried out in asynchronous mode, and with small groups of one to seven members. The Tell a Story activity creates an environment in the virtual course where learners can add their stories to a conversation, thus building a community, engaging learners in the course, and improving retention of course materials.
Objective: Contribute to the story that is told in the course content on a selected topic.
Activity: The learners will work with other learners in the construction of stories with the topics of the course. Learners will identify the basic elements that can create a story about the course topic.

  • Creation of inquiry questions:

This activity must be carried out in a time greater than three days and less than or equal to five, in asynchronous mode, and in groups of sixteen or more students. As a tool to encourage interaction between course learners.
Objective: To introduce the learners to the topics of the course, identifying the essential facts of the topic that occupies them in the virtual world.
Activity: Learners will create probing questions for their peers that allow and compel exploring virtual resources that are related to the course content. Learners will identify and locate virtual resources related to the course. The learners will search the virtual resources to answer the specific questions.

  • Collaborative WebQuest:

"Collaborative WebQuest" is an asynchronous activity, which is made up of small groups of one to seven students and lasts from three to five days.
Objective: Promote the commitment and ability of learners in the use of the web to complete a task related to the course in a collaborative way as the teacher provides and guides them through a variety of resources hosted on the WWW.
Activity: The learner will use the web resources to complete the task designed by the teacher, working collectively on a collaborative document.

  • In the news: 

For this activity, small groups that do not exceed six students will be formed, in the mode of asynchronism and in a duration that ranges from three to five days.
Objective: To review, summarize and use the report of new events on the web on the subject at hand, in such a way that many news available on the web can be used to attract the learner to discussions and many topics of the course.
Activity: The learners will use the web to locate new articles related to the topics of the course. Learners will share virtual resources to expand discussion courses. The learners will develop the ability of virtual communication, developing presentations in different formats (PPT, Prezi, Canvas, etc ...)

  • Variety of Reactions:

The “Variety of reactions” is found in asynchronous mode, with groups of one to seven students, with a maximum duration of one day.
Objective: To use current events that draw the learner into discussions and examine multiple perspectives on the topics, impressions, or themes of a virtual course.
Activity: The learners will reflect on current events from an individually assigned perspective and will share it with their group. They will then take a stance on new events from various perspectives assigned throughout the course. Learners will design strategies to interact virtually with their peers.

  • Creation of case studies:

It is developed in an asynchronous mode and is developed in small groups of one to seven students; this activity takes six days or more.
Objective: To develop and share case studies that can be an effective technique to attract learners to the ability of analysis, problem solving techniques, collaboration with a partner and the application of course material in the real world.
Activity: The learners will collaborate with the members of their group in the development of a case study. Learners will develop the skills to interact with their peers in a virtual way. Learners will apply course material to real-world problems.

  • Review, Review, Review:

It is an asynchronous activity, for small groups of one to seven students and its duration is six or more days. Developing quality papers or essays in almost any course (virtual or classroom) requires guidance and feedback from the facilitator on many preliminary drafts.
Objective: To guide the learner towards many strategies for the effective development of written communication skills focusing on three review cycles: limit, add and clarify.
Activity: The apprentices will develop documents and essays with quality in the written expression, based on the revision cycles with the teacher's accompaniment, to produce their documents or essays. Learners will deliver short essays in which they will demonstrate their ability to synthesize written ideas, add content to improve information, and clarify ambiguous or irrelevant ideas.

  • Class book: 

This activity must be carried out within a period of three to five days, with large groups of sixteen or more students and its modality is asynchronous.
Objective: Produce a resource bank that the learner can use after the virtual course has finished. A collection of reports, documents, essays, or presentations provided by learners during a course, which they can use to review course material, future reference material, or share with colleagues.
Activity: The learners will host reports, documents, essays or presentations for the class book in a common collaborative space; and they will contribute in the organization and updating of the contents for the class book.

  • Electronic portfolio:

The activity of a large group of sixteen students or more, in asynchronous mode and with a duration ranging from two to three days.
Objective: Evaluate the learning of a virtual course. By having to give a diverse selection of reports, presentations, web resources, drafts, and other files, the teacher can effectively evaluate the development of any topic of the virtual courses.
Activity: The learners will develop various folders with the products of their course work, illustrating their performance, use, and improvement of skills. The learners will review the course materials organized in their electronic portfolio and the teacher will review and mark the products and portfolios of each student according to the rubric for each product.