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Teachers can use the following rubrics  to evaluate the work of their students and give them feedback about it.  Teachers must rate each specific criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the degree of compliance in which 5 corresponds to full compliance and 1 indicates non-compliance. To get the final assessment, the rate of each criterion is converted to points and all points are added, getting a final number of points. A minimum of 13 points is required.



SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate T1. Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Student understands the concept of creativity based on the level of relevance and novelty X         1  
2. Student knows how to use brainstorming tool to make a list of creative ideas   X       2  
3. Student values the concepts of novelty and relevance in the process of creation new ideas     X     3  
Total: 6 points (Accepted: 8-15 points; Rejected: 0-7 points) 6


SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate T1. Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Student understands the concept of imagination and inspiration and how they affect creativity X         1  
2. Student knows methods to improve inspiration and imagination   X       2  
3. Student understands the importance to develop a childish way of thinking in enhancing creative capabilities     X     3  
Total: 6 points (Accepted: 8-15 points; Rejected: 0-7 points) 6


SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate T1. Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Student understands the quality of the definition of a problem will play a significant role for creating relevant solutions X         1  
2. Student is encouraged to develop problem-solving habits to enhance motivations in the creative process   X       2  
Total: 3 points (Accepted: 6-10 points; Rejected: 0-5 points) 3

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SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate T1. Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Student knows obstacles that might avoid enhancing creativity in resolving problems X         1  
2. Student understands the fallacy Artistic vs. Creative in the creative process   X       2  
3. Student understands the fallacy Inspiration vs. Motivation in creative process     X     3  
4. Student understands the fallacy Pushed forward vs. Pulled back ideas in the creative process   X       2  
5. Student understands the fallacy Present vs. aware in the creative process   X       2  
6. Student understands the fallacy Effort vs. Value in the creative process     x     333  
7. Student understands the fallacy Input vs. Output in the creative process       x   4  
8. Student understands the fallacy Preventing vs. Procrastinating in the creative process       x   4  
Total: 22 points (Accepted: 21-49 points; Rejected: 0-20 points) 22

SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate T2. Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Student understands the role that play has in training creativity X         1  
2. Student is aware that a creative process could be seen as a game with three steps: opening, experimenting and closing   X       2  
3. Student knows that Ideation and improvisation are methods to enhance creativity X         1  
Total: 4 (Accepted: 8-15 points; Rejected: 0-7 points) 4