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The following table shows the two topics, each one divided into further lessons:

T1. Importance of a Business Model  L1. Classification of business models                                                                                         
T2. Basic business model aspects/ The Business Model Canvas  L1. Key partnerships 
L2. Key activities
L3. Key resources
L4. Cost structure
L5. Customer relationships
L6. Communication Channels
L7. Revenue Streams
L8. Value propositions


T1. Importance of a Business Model 

By business models we mean the action plan of acompany with which it generates revenue and profit. Based on this action plan the company develops products and services, captures the way in which itwill create services and products, and how to promote them while capturing the costs of these actions. 


T2. Business Model aspects/ The Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is amanagement strategy model for developing new or documenting existing business models. It is avisualized summary of data that describes the value, infrastructure,  customers and financial data of a business or product. It helps companies aligntheir business with visualizing potential compromises or even making strategic decisions.