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Experiment Ceremonies are very useful for collaboration. You will need to do a lot of different experiments, evidently more than one if your goal is to create a successful new business. Because of that, you will need a series of experiments, and for that, you also need to be well organized. In this lesson, we will learn how to manage an experiment and what are the principles of experiment flow.


Weekly Planning

You need to plan and schedule experiments for next week. You can easily change the plan, but the planning you do is still a valuable exercise. If you start the ritual of planning your work each week, or even better for each day this will for sure help you to continue your work and establish a sense of accomplishment. That can be 30–60 minutes, once a week, and before weekly planning(Testing Business Ideas, 2019).

Daily Standups

You need to stay focused and motivated in your daily work, so what you need to do is to create daily goals. Many experiments require a lot of tasks to do. Daily goals will help you better manage your daily plans and responsibilities with good productivity and less stress.

Weekly Learning

Learning is very important. So you can ask yourself what did you learn this week?

You need to talk a lot to interpret the evidence and turn all pieces of evidence that you have into action.

Biweekly Retrospective

Take a step back and talk about improving your work. When you stop thinking, you stop learning, when you stop learning you stop improving. That circle isn't what you want.


Inform stakeholders about what you are doing, how you are doing it, how you are turning, persevering, or realizing an idea.

Principles of Experiment Flow


Performing one experiment is great, but the goal is to reduce uncertainty in your business. That means running several experiments during that time (Testing Business Ideas, 2019).

Visualize Your Experiments - What that means? Write down your experiments. Write down the ones you think you'll run over the next few weeks. Then draw a simple board and enter the data related to the experiment.

Limit Experiments in Progress - Define workflow. You need to complete the first experiment you started first, and after that experiment, you can start the next one.

Continuous Experimentation - This is the last principle and it says that you need to keep experimenting over time.


Poor communication can ruin any rhythm of the experiment you are trying to create. Because of that, we will show you a sample of experiment guidelines. Here is an example of an experiment guideline (Testing Business Ideas, 2019).


1. Our customer segment is_____________________________________________.

2. The total number of customers involved in our experiment is is estimated at ______________________________________.

3. Our experiment will last from______________________to _________________.

4. The currency of the data we collect is___________________________________.

5. The branding we will use for the experiment is____________________________.

6. The financial exposure of the experiment is_______________________________.

7. We can exclude the experiment by using_________________________________.


If your business and everything you plan to do is not properly organized there are a lot of things that can go wrong. For example, tasks can pile up, paperwork is wasted etc. And the experiment will not give the good and expected results. For this reason, it is important that you manage your experiments properly.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T3.L4. Manage

Here have are the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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