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What you want to transmit is as important as who transmits it and how it transmits. In the following lessons, you will learn how to reach your audience and how to tailor your message accordingly, and you can use these tips to apply how to show yourself as an expert.

Is so important to adapt your speech to the audience, is not the same to present your project to an investor, than a customer and business partner, during the second lesson you will learn how to adapt your speech and some tips about how to engage your audience, related with the next lesson about which audiovisual supporting materials you can use for achieving this engagement.

Finishing, all pitch has its own Q&A session, in the last session you could learn to prepare in advance some answer to future questions the different interlocutor can made you.

The main objectives of this topic are described in the following video:

The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T, S2P) for Lesson 1 of Topic 4. Message VS Audience. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L1 Introduce yourself as the expert
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?
T2L/T2T Video T4.L1. Introduce yourself as the expert (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about how to position yourself as an expert in the field of your project, and how to sell your knowledge

15' at home (flip-teaching) or in the classroom           Explain Video T4.L1 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)

The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 2 of Topic 4. Message VS Audience. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L2 Adapt your speech to the audience
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?

Video T4.L2. Adapt your speech to the audience (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about how to use different approaches and types of messages for different purposes in a pitch 15'

at home  (flip-teaching) or  in the classroom

Explain Video T4.L2 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)

The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T,S2P) for Lesson 3 of Topic 4. Message VS Audience. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L3 Catch attention with artifacts
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?

Video T4.L3. Catch attention with artefacts (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about some examples of software and other useful tools that will help us in the preparation of a pitch.


at home  (flip-teaching) or  in the classroom

Explain Video T4.L3 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)

The following table shows all the materials prepared for the teacher to learn (T2L) and for the teacher to take them to the classroom (T2T, S2P) for Lesson 4 of Topic 4.Message VS Audience. The description of the different types of materials  (T2L, T2T, S2P) can be found here. For each material, teachers can find in this table: its description, the student workload and where the student works. Additionally, recommendations about what to do in the classroom are included (remember that one lesson corresponds to one class of the teacher with her/his students).  Follow the links in the table to discover what O-City has prepared for you:


L4 Prepare your answers
Type Materials Description Student Workload Where does the student work? What to do in class?

Video T4.L4. Prepare your answers (lesson content in pdf, video, video content in pdf)

Explanation about how the Q&A session is an integral part of the pitch that should not be underestimated, as it gives you a unique opportunity to present your project further providing valuable answers.


at home  (flip-teaching) or  in the classroom

Explain Video T4.L3 or solve doubts (if flip-teaching)