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Reference in animation

In this lesson we will understand what used to be presented in animation, what is told now and what is told in the place where we are. We will understand how the animation portrays non-existent or historical places in a correct or incorrect way with respect to its intention. We will understand why all animation is not exclusively for children and how animation gives us the advantage of not only crossing time and space, but also human sensations.


  1. Understand the most common themes within the animation.

  2. Understand that the theme and the narrative lead us to delve deeper into animation regardless of technique and that any kind of story can be told within the animation.

  3. Analyze universal, local and regional animation in order to find similarities and differences.

  4. Begin to think about the story that surrounds us and how in this way a world can be animated or created in itself.


Through the knowledge we have acquired:


What themes are usually used in animation?

Infantile themes are the mostly used in the animated world because animation is rarely taken seriously; over the years we, as creators, have realized that the desire to tell stories that cannot be recorded or that are simply better imagined by way of animation, leads us to understand that the world now has as many animations as there are animators willing to make them.

What stories are most attractive to each student?

Subjectively we are going to understand that our students have stories that they tend to like more than others, which help us to understand the social, political and individual situation they are experiencing. Here we will be able to discuss the referents that make our students understand what the story they want to tell is, in addition to encouraging them to tell their own story that speaks of their place, their situation or their individual person.

How can the historical, familiar, individual situation that is being lived frame a world within animation?

The advantages that animation has meant that each of the future animators can come to understand a story that has already happened or may happen, framing them within a known universe, we can take it to limits as imaginable as each of them. Using reference and experience. Here you should try to find the stories that students want to tell and share through animation and are valuable to themselves as well as to their peers.


Each universe conceived and created by the students is valuable, understanding its theme, its background and what wants to be told. Understanding the different themes of animation in order to adhere to them or create their own themes.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L3. Reference in animation

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF: