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Activity A.T1.L1.1 Identify context of use and users' needs

Identify a product or service visualizing information about a natural or cultural asset of a city (for example a museum collection) and define the related context of use and users’ needs.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T1.L1.2 Identify functional requirements

Based on Activity T1.L1.1, identify the functional requirements according to the users wants and needs.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom: