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Course II.2 Video

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Teachers can use the following rubrics to evaluate the work of their students and give them feedback about it.  Teachers must rate each specific criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the degree of compliance in which 5 corresponds to full compliance and 1 indicates non-compliance. To get the final assessment, the rate of each criterion is converted to points and all points are added, getting a final number of points. A minimum of 13 points is required.


SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the gathering of information and data to use in the infographic 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Information and data are correctly gathered and filtered according to the course criteria (e.g. using accurate, relevant, useful, and trustworthy sources) X 1
2. The student has used different information sources X 2
3. The student has collected different types of materials and data X 3
4. The student has collected pertinent and enough information and data about all the issues (i.e. the users, the context, the natural and cultural heritage) X 2
5. The student has correctly kept track of references and sources X 2
Total: 10 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 10
SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the definition of the user requirements for the infographic 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. The student has properly specified the context of use and purpose of the infographic X 1
2. The student has produced enough actionable and useful statements X 2
3. The student has correctly defined the user requirements based on the users’ wants and needs X 3
4. The student has correctly identified the features and functions of the infographic according to its users, contexts, and goals X 2
5. The student has properly taken into account the human behaviours, abilities, skills, limitations and needs identifying user requirements that are appropriate to create a good User Experience X 2
Total: 10 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 10
SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the definition of the types of contents to use in the infographic 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. The sorting and categorization of the gathered information and data allows to adequately select the topics and contents of the infographic X 5
2. The types of content chosen to be used in the infographic are adequate to its purpose X 2
3. The types of visual representations chosen by the student are suited for the information and data to be used in the infographic X 3
4. The student avoided misleading visual representations of information and data X 5
5. The storytelling of the infographic is clear and effective X 4
Total: 19 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 19
SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the infographic prototype 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. All the main visual characteristics of the infographic that clearly show how it might look have been represented in the sketches X 5
2. The prototype adequately follows the requirements previously identified X 2
3. The composition and the arrangement of the visual elements adequately follows the visual design principles (Gestalt principles, etc.) X 3
4. The student has elaborated a creative and appealing proposal about the infographic X 5
5. The prototype is adequate to the purposes of testing and discussing the design of the infographic (it implies that all the elements have been identified, even if they have not been applied) X 4
Total: 19 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 19
SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the review of the infographic prototype 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. The student has followed a clear and adequate methodology for the review X 1
2. The student has adequately gathered feedback from users X 2
3. The visual design principles and elements (Gestalt principles, layout, colour, typography) of the infographic has been correctly analyzed X 3
4. The effectiveness (usability and reliability, tone and style) of the infographic has been correctly analyzed X 2
5. The student has proposed adequate changes according to the gathered feedback X 3
Total: 11 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 11
SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate the realization of the infographic 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. The student has chosen proper tools to graphically realize the infographic X 1
2. The infographic follows the criteria and the technical requirements established in the course X 2
3. The infographic presents useful and reliable information and data that have been visually represented in a correct, pleasant, and understandable way X 3
4. The infographic is adequate to users, contexts, and goals X 3
5. The infographic is consistent and well-connected (e.g. same colour palette or layout, logical flows of contents, etc.) X 2
Total: 11 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 11

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Once the multimedia is finished, teachers should use the following rubrics to evaluate it and to guarantee that all the requirements to be uploaded to O-City World platform are met. Teachers must rate each specific criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the degree of compliance in which 5 corresponds to full compliance and 1 indicates non-compliance. To get the final assessment, the rate of each criterion is converted to points and all points are added, getting a final number of points.  The multimedia must get more than 35 points to be uploaded to O-City World platform. 

TAG SPECIFIC CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1 Heritage The heritage reality is correctly presented and conveyed. The tone and style of the infographic is clearly identified and adequate to express the main traits of the heritage X 1
2 Topic and purpose The type of infographic is suitable to the intended application. Topic and purpose of the infographic are clear and consistent X 2
3 User requirements The infographic is adequate to users, context, and goals, according to the User Centered Design. User and business requirements have been properly taken into account in the design of the infographic X 1
4 Content The infographic shows relevant and pertinent contents 4
5 Reliability The infographic is based on reliable and sufficient data and information X 1
6 Storytelling The storytelling of the infographic is clear and effective. The information flow is not confusing or overwhelming X 1
7 Visualization Information and data are correctly visualized and presented, with adequate visualization techniques that facilitate understanding and avoid misleading X 2
8 Perception (Gestalt laws) The visual elements can be perceived clearly and correctly X 1
9 Layout, colour, and typography Visual design elements (layout, colour palette, and typography, etc.) hep in conveying meaning and, in any event, do not create dissatisfaction, confusion or difficulties in understanding X 1
10 Engagement The textual content of the infographic is engaging, understandable and easy-to-read X 1
11 References The references (credits) and sources of information and data are correctly and adequately cited in the infographic X 1
    Total: 15 (Accepted: 36-55 points; Rejected: 11-35 points) 15

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