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Course I.1 Cultural Heritage

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The following table shows the nine topics, each one divided into lessons.

T1. Channels of communication L1. On-site communication                                                                                        
L2. Virtual communication                                                                                       
T2. Active listening L1. Difference hearing and listening
L2. Levels of conversation
L3. Asking questions + attitude while listening
T3. Understand others - Emotional intelligence L1. Empathy
L2. Assertiveness
L3. Respect
T4. Communicate with others L1. Verbal
L2. Body language
L3. Non-verbal
L4. Tips for virtual
T5. Conversation L1. Efficient meetings: preparation
L2. Starting a conversation
L3. Moving the conversation along
L4. Follow-up
T6. Collaborate with others L1. Participation in a team
L2. Involvement and commitment
L3. Responsibility
L4. Conflict Resolution
T7.Leadership L1. Leadership styles - Organisational culture
L2. Decision taking
L3. Motivation
L4. Tips for virtual
T8. Networking L1. Typology of relationships for creative projects
L2. How to build long term relationships
L3. Tips for virtual
T9. Having an impact L1. The first impression
L2. Turning a situation into your favor
L3. Last word

In the first topic, we will know the different communication channels and how to function in each one. The main objective is to go deeper into the different parts of communication.p

In the second topic, we will approach those different elements and learn the distinction about hearing and listening, how to increase our conversational level thanks to active listening techniques, and the art of asking relevant questions that contribute to building creative solutions.

In the third topic, we are going to focus on three of the abilities related to emotional intelligence: empathy, assertiveness, and respect. The main objective is that the knowledge of these skills together with the notions of communication will help students to improve their relationships with others.

The fourth topic is dedicated to the communication of others. Once this lesson finishes the basic elements of communication will be known and how to handle them to achieve our purposes.

The fifth topic develops recommendations and tips for good meetings preparation, management and follow-up, with support of key documents such as the set-up of an agenda or reporting minutes.

During the sixth topic, we will develop how to participate in a team, the difference between involvement a commitment, and responsibility.

Throughout topic seven, we will see other complementary skills that must also be worked on to be a good team leader, as decision making or motivation.

In the eighth topic, we will learn the type of relationships that can help to develop your project, and how to make many good contacts that can help you in the development of your professional career, all this, considering that the digital transformation of companies has brought with it a new way of networking.

Finally, the ninth topic is related to the impact you can have on others when you work on a project. The main objective it’s to know how to impact in people, causing a good first and last impression and trying to get the best of the different situation which could surround yourself.

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