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Course III.5 Testing

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Validation Experiments

How can you validate your experiments? In this lesson we will learn more about:

  • Interaction Prototypes,
  • Call to Action and Simulation, that is the best way to validate the experiments.

Let’s start with Interaction Prototypes.


Interaction Prototypes(Testing Business Ideas, 2019):

  1. Clickable Prototype - Display of digital interface with simulated zones of software reaction to customer interaction. The clickable prototype is ideal for quickly testing your concept with customers with greater fidelity than paper.  This kind of prototype offers an interactive experience very similar to a completed application. Prototypes are often made in the cheapest way and usually at lower levels of detail than the final product.

  1. Single Feature MVP - Functional minimum viable product with one unit needed to test your assumption. This is ideal for learning if the basic promise of your solution resonates with customers.

  1. Mash-Up - Functional minimum viable product consisting of a combination of more existing value services.

  1. Concierge - Creating a user experience and manually delivering value, with people instead of using technology. This is ideal for learning about steps that you need to create, capture, and deliver value to a customer, but also we need to say that is not ideal for scaling a product or business.

  1. Life-Sized Prototype - Actual replicas of service experiences. This is ideal for learning and testing the fidelity of solutions with customers on a small sample before making decisions about customizing your solution.

Resource: Pixabay

Call to action(Testing Business Ideas, 2019):

  1. Simple Landing Page - Digital website that clearly shows your value proposition with a call to action.

  1. Crowdfunding Funding - Collecting funds from a large number of people usually via the Internet.

  1. Split Test - This is a method that uses a comparison of two versions, control A against variant B, and determining which of them has better performance. With this method, you can see what resonates best with your customers.

  1. Presale - This means that the sale held before the item was made available for purchase. This method is ideal for measuring market demand on a smaller sample before you launch your product to the public.

  1. Validation Survey - A closed questionnaire used to gather information from a sample of customers on a particular topic.

Resource: Pixabay

Simulation (Testing Business Ideas, 2019):

  1. Wizard of Oz - Creating a user experience and delivering value manually to people instead of using technology. This method is not ideal for scaling products or businesses.

  1. Mock Sale - Presenting the sale of your product without processing any payment information. This is ideal for setting different prices for your product.

  1. Letter of Intent - The written contract that is easy to read and not legally binding. The letter of intent is ideal for assessing key partners and B2B customer segments but is not ideal for B2C customer segments.

  1. Pop-Up Store - A retail store that is temporarily open for the sale of goods, usually a trendy or seasonal product. The pop-up store is ideal for testing face-to-face interactions with customers to see if they are actually going to make a purchase. A pop-up store is not ideal for B2B businesses.

  1. Extreme Programming Spike - A simple program for exploring potential technical or design solutions. It is necessary to stop and complete the task so that you can continue your progress.


As we can see, each method has its pluses or minuses, so you need to choose the one that best suits you, your idea based on your needs.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T4.L3. Validation Experiments

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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