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Course III.5 Testing

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Audio-Visual dissemination of heritage

This lesson has been especially developed for professors or teachers from areas of high heritage value, but it can be also interesting for public managers of heritage conservation and dissemination of assets in town halls or for technicians in charge of tourism offices or SMEs. Universities, especially those that have some degree on tourism and heritage, play an essential role in the orange economy, which generate jobs through the dissemination, conservation and enhancement of heritage. Collaboration among institutions (Universities, SMEs and public administration) will ensure not only heritage conservation, but also its touristic promotion .

Once the lesson is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

1. Decide which type of multimedia (based on photo or video) can better help us to disseminate a particular heritage asset depending on its typology and caracteristics.

2. Know which are the first steps to create the multimedia based on photo or video

When to use photo or video to promote some heritage

On the one hand, photography is a static vision of heritage, a moment that will be forever portrayed. For example, it is interesting for immovable material cultural heritage because photos will give us access to construction details over a long period of time. On the other hand, video is interesting for heritage with movement, which can not be captured with a photo.

Some examples where video can be used to promote heritage:

1) Natural heritage: flora and fauna in movement, natural events, …

2) Intangible cultural heritage: music, dance, theatre, celebration, game, rituals, traditions, etc.


What do I need to do to disseminate some heritage through a photo?

We will need a fixed location, a camera and, in most cases, a tripod. A photo is able to communicate, denounce and awaken consciences more than any other means and without the limitations of the language.


Photograph denouncing the current state of degradation of the Teatro Argentino in the city of La Plata. Credits: College of Architects of Buenos Aires CAPBA.


Photograph that shows the management carried out in the Marjal de Gandia (Spain) in the informative route and the complementary facilities to the natural space. Credits: Nacho Yusim

What if I want to use a video to promote some heritage

In this case, we must search a location or create a fictional set and make any necessary preparation before the shooting. Then we will create a technical script of the shots. We must think about what to record and how to show it.

In both cases we will need:

1. Location scouting or set creation

2. Shooting preparation (Date, Hour, Lighting)

3. Storyboard


Consider audiovisual media and products in Cultural and Natural dissemination and revitalization processes in communities near heritage sites is a definitive bet towards the consolidation of communication as a transversal and integral axis in cooperation projects. (Gumucio, 2010; Barranquero, 2012; Gudynas & Acosta 2011)

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:


Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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