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Course III.5 Testing

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Activity A.T1.L3.1 Five Why's tool

The Five Whys methodology is an iterative interrogative technique that searches for the causes underlying a problem. The main objective is finding the root cause of a problem by asking several times the question “Why?”. Each answer gives the basis of the next question. Usually, by the fifth question, the root cause emerges.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T1.L3.2 Seven So What's tool

The seven so-whats is a critical thinking tool that reveals the consequences of an action or recommendation. If we think forward, thinking about the consequences, we will see new opportunities and also avoid problems that may unknowingly cause. This will help to prevent downstream negative impacts of the change we are recommending.

Investing time through the seven so-whats is going to help avoid possible future problems caused by the solution or recommendation proposed.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T1.L3.3 Pareto 80/20 Rule

The pareto rule teaches us to direct our efforts on the meaningful focusing our energy in that 20% that drives to the 80% of the results. That doesn’t mean that the rest of the premises or causes are not important, that only means that you may prioritise some actions in order to save the limited time, energy.

In terms of focusing and saving resources, thinking critically through the 80/20 rule helps to define where we are going to spend our time maximizing the impact.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your student:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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