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Course III.5 Testing

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All people have unmatched dignity and worth, which makes them worthy of respect just because they are people, regardless of their culture, race, or social position.

However, are we respectful in our actions and thoughts? Do we value those people who think differently from us or do we distance ourselves from them? Do we know how to deal with people from all walks of life? Do we judge people according to their country of origin?

Respect is not only treating all kinds of people politely, but it consists of truly valuing each one of them, without making distinctions, without being carried away by prejudices.

Once this lesson is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

  1. Know why respect is important.
  2. Respect themselves, as a necessary step to respect others.
  3. Express respect in their relationships.


In this lesson, we will learn about respect and how this basic principle of emotional intelligence fosters good relationships and quality of communication and collaboration with others.

The importance of respect:

Respecting others is important because it carries positive consequences for oneself and for those to whom we show our respect.

Firstly, treating others with respect can make you feel good and will generate a positive feeling in you, which will make you live happier.

Besides, respecting people avoids conflicts and helps to resolve problems easily.

Respect for others makes you have a more open look at people, which will enrich yourself and will not be locked in your points of view and your way of seeing life.

Secondly, those people who feel respected will have greater self-esteem and confidence in themselves, which will make them get the best out of any situation in which they find themselves, and they will have a positive attitude towards the resolution of some conflict.



To respect others, you first have to respect yourself; You will not be able to recognize the value that people have if You don’t recognize your own value.


To respect ourselves, we must know how to listen and accept our needs:


  • Physical needs: eat healthily, play sports, and keep adequate rest are some measures that you can take into account to respect your body.
  • Emotional needs: it can happen that sometimes we guide our behaviour according to what others expect of us and that we don’t stop to think about what we really need. It is important to know data about our moods and what has caused us to have certain feelings. That will help us to take into account how we are emotionally and to act accordingly.
  • Accepting my past: we all have positive and less positive past experiences, accepting who I am and the events that have happened to me in life, will contribute to my loving myself as I am, with my circumstances and that, therefore, respect.
  • Building my future: respecting myself also implies being able to set my own personal and professional goals and being able to use all the means to achieve them without caring what others think.

How to express respect.

Some ways to express respect for others are:

  • Take care of the rules of coexistence and education: let people talk, respect work and rest hours, take care of the ways of greeting and saying goodbye, etc.
  • Show interest in the people with whom we interact: indifference to people is a lack of respect since they are all worthy of our attention.
  • Avoid always being right, trying to accept other opinions or points of view.
  • Respect different values, beliefs, and lifestyles.
  • Know how to treat with deference those people who by age or rank have authority over you (parents, teachers, superiors ...).
  • Make yourself to other cultures and other ways of doing differently from yours.
  • Caring for nature, as a common good for all people.


Make a reflection on the following situations and how you could show respect in your relationships with others.



We know that we must all respect and be respected, but sometimes you will feel that somebody does not respect you, in this situation, show what you have learned and teach by example how it can be respectful with others.

If we all try to be exemplary and to teach those around us to act respectfully, we will succeed in making our world a more pleasant and tolerant place.






The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T3.L3. Respect

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

English version
Spanish version

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