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Course II.1 Photo-Video Concept

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Display Digital Ads

Do you know those commercials that seem to follow you on the internet? Whenever you enter a site, they seem to pop up from one side or just stand there. These are exactly the display advertisements.

Display Digital Advertising (DDA) is advertising on third-party websites. This advertising can appear in a lot of formats and contains elements such as images, videos, text, audio.


In this lesson, we will learn...


more about Digital Display Ads. In which format they exist and in which locations on the website they can be found.​


In which locations on the site can your display ads be found?


Leaderboards. They are mostly located at the top of the page. These are usually the first messages that people see and often have the best results

Mid-placement units (MPUs) are expandable, dynamic mid-page ads. Very often these ads are animated and can move up and down the website. They have the highest click-through-rate.

Skyscrapers and wide skyscrapers are places for ads located to the left and right of the home page.

Islands are small ad slots with static ads.


Resource: Pixabay


Creative Ad formats


Now that we’ve gotten to the places for your display ads, let’s take a look at how you can create your ads and take advantage of this space. Display ad formats are:

  • Animated. These commercials consist of three slides on a carousel. Wondering why three? If there are more than three slides on the body, it can only confuse users.

  • Static. This form is used to create very simple and strong message ads that are located in a very small space.

  • Floating. These are the ads that move around the website, float when the user moves the cursor over this ad. These ads lead people to interact with the ad, but care must be taken here not to disturb the user experience.

  • Expandable ads. We recognize these ads by the fact that when the user clicks on them, the window expands. Within this ad, you have the option to include videos, email subscription forms, social media buttons, and a link to your website.

  • Rich media. These ads allow you to stream videos. They are very effective because every other user will communicate with the videos in the displayed ads.

  • Filmstrips. This form of display advertisement consists of five different segments. Of these 5 segments, up to 3 segments can contain video. They provide a content-rich experience, and by not interrupting the homepage, people can interact with these ads whenever they want.

Resource: Pixabay

What are the common mistakes when creating display ads?

  1. The messages are not big enough
  2. Images of your product are not displayed
  3. Insufficient investment in design
  4. No call to action.
  5. Directing traffic to the wrong, irrelevant page.
  6. No negative words are used.

Very often these ads can be about something you researched on the internet just a few minutes, hours, or days ago. In that case, you encounter a process known as remarketing. It is one of the tools in the DDA.




Once you follow all the steps, create and publish your display advertisement your job is not done.  After you publish an advertisement, you need to follow it regularly, measure the results you have received, and compare them with the defined KPI. If the results are different from the defined KPI, you need to change something. You are now ready to create and publish your display advertisement on one of the sites. Be unique.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T3.L2. Display Digital Ads 

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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