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Course II.1 Photo-Video Concept

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At the beginning of the course, we'll show a video that introduces the two main topics, "Critical Thinking" and "Practice Critical Thinking", in order to have a general overview of the course structure.

Furthermore, some of the cultural heritages that are part of the O-City platform are presented as inspiration for the activities that will be carried out during the lessons.

The first is divided into four lessons, the second with a unique lesson:

T1. Critical Thinking L1. What is Critical Thinking                                                                                
L1. Defining the problem statement
L1.Critical thinking tools
L4.Obstacles in the critical thinking process
T2. Practice critical thinking L1. Teaching how to think

Critical thinking is an ability that helps thinking reflectively in order to make good decision for a given problem. It helps in finding the root-cause of a problem and that avoid future problems that are the consequences from our recommendations.

The course is divided into two topics.

The first topic outlines a series of tools or techniques that help enhancing critical thinking skills. It teaches how to define a problem statement of the issue that you want to solve and gives tools for looking for the causes, identifying consequences an focus in the relevant drivers of the problem

In the second topic, the lesson guides in how to develop the critical thinking skills in a team or into the classroom

In the following sections, each topic and its lessons will be indicated in detail.

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