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Course II.1 Photo-Video Concept

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Teachers can use the following rubrics  to evaluate the work of their students and give them feedback about it.  Teachers must rate each specific criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the degree of compliance in which 5 corresponds to full compliance and 1 indicates non-compliance. To get the final assessment, the rate of each criterion is converted to points and all points are added, getting a final number of points. A minimum of 13 points is required.


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Once the multimedia is finished, teachers should use the following rubrics to evaluate it and to guarantee that all the requirements to be uploaded to O-City World platform are met. Teachers must rate each specific criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the degree of compliance in which 5 corresponds to full compliance and 1 indicates non-compliance. To get the final assessment, the rate of each criterion is converted to points and all points are added, getting a final number of points.  The multimedia must get more than 25 points to be uploaded to O-City World platform.  

SPECIFIC CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. Heritage Characterization: The patrimonial element is correctly characterized and explained     X     3  
2. Characters:there is a consistent visual style in the characters that supports the theme and story     X     3  
3. Scenes: The scenes are appropriated and add interest to the comic       X   4  
4. Text: There are no spelling or grammatical errors in the text       X   4  
5. Resource combination: The resources (strips, photos and logos) are properly combined to generate the final comic, so that the message is transmitted       X   3  
6. Creativity: The multimedia is notable for its creativity       X   3  
7. Start: O-City and EU logos are placed centered, on white background at the beginning of the comic for 4 seconds.         X 5  
8. End: Your institution´s logo and credits are placed centered on white background an the end of the comics. The type of font is calibri, size 12 pt and black letters.         X 5  
Total: 40 (Accepted: 25-40 points; Rejected: 0-24 points) 30  

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