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Course II.1 Photo-Video Concept

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Visual and sound montage

We consider the montage of the shots and the sound as a living entity that tends to change around the production, in the same way it is intended to assemble an animatic and the scene made in the previous class with important sounds, music and voices. It is proposed to at least fully assemble the scene. It is also proposed to design the titles and credits of the short film to finalize it.



  1. Understand montage and sound montage as an important process that provides quality to the content created.
  2. Make the animatic of the complete short film.
  3. Perform the sound montage with reference music or final music.
  4. Capture sounds of the city or the place where they are to understand how the animated world does not sound like the real world and what sounds or backgrounds we can use within the short film.


Through the knowledge we have acquired:


What is the importance of montage and sound montage?

Sound montage is a separate entity from audiovisual creation. It is done by means of a script and a visual script but the final result will only be verified correctly at the completion of the montage and the sound montage.


What is an animatic and how is it made?

An animatic is the union of the storyboard with the sound montage in order to be aware of the time, the rhythm and the shape that the finished story will have.


What should I take into account at the moment of montage and sound montage?

Cinematographic languages are a human construction that we all have in our heads, but the study and the questions about them are what make a content stop being a normal content and become a differentiating content.

What must be taken into account when editing is the sensations that the unknown viewer may have, taking into account the study of languages in order to add creative processes that end up being the differentiating process.



The montage is a living entity within audiovisual creation, in this process we obtain clarity about the content created through the course in order to confront it with our judgment and improve it by means of a suitable, rhythmic montage that works for the story told.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T4.L3. Visual and sound montage

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Pill T4.L3.1 Video Editor Tutorials

Here you can find some video tutorials explaining how to use NV Video Editor in order to implement an animation integrating photos, a character and sound.

Example of how to edit the whole animation

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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