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Course III.4 Entrepreneurial Finance

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Brand Amplifiers

Public Relations and Publicity

Public relations and publicity are designed to promote or protect a company’s image or its individual products (Keller, 2013).

Publicity is nonpersonal communications such as press releases, media interviews, press conferences, feature articles, newsletters, photographs, films, and tapes (Keller, 2013).

Public relations may also include annual reports, fund-raising, and membership drives, lobbying, special event management, and public affairs (Keller, 2013).

Public Relations must be a routine part of any marketing communication and they are invaluable during a marketing crisis.


Source: Pexels


As users share likes, dislikes, experiences with a particular brand, word-of-mouth is critical to building a brand. The power of word-of-mouth is the credibility and relevance it brings (Keller, 2013). If a marketing program is created in the right way and customers are provided with a product or service that exceeds their expectations, they will share it with each other. In this way, the effect of all marketing activities that are carried out is enhanced.




These two amplifiers are useful things to consider in the strategy.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T5.L3. Brand Amplifiers

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

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