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What is Cultural and Natural Heritage?

In this lesson, we will learn about general aspects of cultural and natural heritage, we will learn the definition according to UNESCO, and identify the categories.




“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” – Mahatma Gandhi

We might not have agreed on one definition of culture, but we cannot deny that feeling when we are away from the place that saw us grow and we see or even smell something that reminds us of that place. It is something hard to explain yet easy so to feel.  Those values and traditions that became memories and experiences make us who we are and constantly remind us where we come from and the people we left behind. 

The importance of preserving those features and pass them from generation to generation led us to familiarize ourselves with the concept of cultural heritage, this is why UNESCO “established that certain places on Earth have ‘exceptional universal value,’ belong to the shared heritage of humanity and are an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration.” (“Cultural Heritage | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,” n.d.) those places categorized by UNESCO also mean the oral traditions, folklore, manners and even handcrafts of those inhabiting such places. 

“Cultural heritage has social and political value, as well as intrinsic worth. It stands for the ideas and achievements which have shaped human development; throughout history, it has been celebrated as a manifestation of creativity, but it has also been targeted in times of conflict as a symbol of identity to be attacked in order to demoralize, defeat and eradicate populations.”(“PACE - Resolution 2234 (2018)—Deliberate destruction and illegal trafficking of cultural heritage,” n.d.) Increasing war, terrorism, climate change, economic development along with not-so-effective physical planning mechanisms, poor funding, ineffective policies, and illicit trafficking are constantly threatening the preservation of cultural heritage sites. 

After years of lobbying, in 2017, “the international community demonstrated that it was united in its political determination to protect cultural heritage. Resolution 2347 of the UN Security Council formally recognizes that the defense of cultural heritage is imperative for security.” (“A historic resolution to protect cultural heritage,” n.d.) The Security Council “stressed that the Member States had the primary responsibility to protect their cultural heritage and that efforts must comply with the United Nations Charter and respect the principle of sovereignty.” (“Security Council Condemns Destruction, Smuggling of Cultural Heritage by Terrorist Groups, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2347 (2017) | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases,” n.d.)

The case of Syria is one of the current examples that despite the efforts of UNESCO to protect World Heritage properties, there are still threats such as war, land conversion, management plans, management activities, and management systems. “On 8 January 2019, the State Party submitted a state of conservation report for the six Syrian World Heritage properties and includes updated information on progress and challenges in a number of conservation issues addressed by the Committee.” (Centre, n.d.) meaning that even after Resolution 2347, there are still conflicts that are threatening the existence of world heritage sites. 

“Cultural heritage is important because it strongly influences our sense of identity, our loyalties, and our behavior. Memory institutions (archives, libraries, museums, schools, and historic sites) have a responsibility for preserving and interpreting the cultural record.” (Zadar,2013) 

The importance of cultural heritage is certainly not the profit we can get from it, of how much tourism can give us, it is much more, it is a matter of personal identity, of understanding our past and others’ past in order to know who we are and who the other is, it is social inclusion,  it means essence, ground, the history that helps us understand where we want to go and what we want to do, it is the way to mutual understanding and peace.

Why is Cultural Heritage important?

The importance of cultural heritage is certainly not the profit we can get from it, of how much tourism can give us, it is much more, it is a matter of personal identity, of understanding our past and others’ past in order to know who we are and who the other is, it is social inclusion,  it means essence, ground, the history that helps us understand where we want to go and what we want to do, it is the way to mutual understanding and peace.

How is Cultural Heritage directly linked to us?

“Cultural heritage strongly influences our sense of identity, our loyalties, and our behavior. Memory institutions (archives, libraries, museums, schools, and historic sites) have a responsibility for preserving and interpreting the cultural record.” (Zadar,2013) 

What is the value of Cultural Heritage?

“Cultural heritage has social and political value, as well as intrinsic worth. It stands for the ideas and achievements which have shaped human development; throughout history, it has been celebrated as a manifestation of creativity, but it has also been targeted in times of conflict as a symbol of identity to be attacked in order to demoralize, defeat and eradicate populations.”(“PACE - Resolution 2234 (2018)


We might not have agreed on one definition of culture, but we cannot deny that feeling when we are away from the place that saw us grow and we see or even smell something that reminds us of that place. It is something hard to explain yet easy so to feel.  Those values and traditions that became memories and experiences make us who we are and constantly remind us where we come from and the people we have left behind. 

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T1.L1. What is Cultural and Natural Heritage?

Here you will find the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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