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Course III.4 Entrepreneurial Finance

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Animation types 

In this lesson we will learn to distinguish the different genres within animation, the genre for children, pedagogical, documentary, horror, suspense, experimental among others and we will learn to distinguish between frame-by-frame, digital, stop motion, 3D, rotoscopy, movement readings, among others, with examples and clear techniques.



  1. Understand the genres of animation.

  2. Understand the technical processes of animation.

  3. Create simple animations with a sense of reality and time.

  4. Understand animation as a functional treatment of reality.


Through the knowledge we have acquired:


What are the different genres of animation and when are they usually used?

In animation, we have as many genres as in cinema, through history genres and subgenres have been created, which, when mixed with techniques create different processes, here what we must try to teach are the different reactions that we want to generate on the viewer through setting our story to a cinematographic genre.


What are the different animation techniques and what technical processes do they require?

There are many types of animated techniques, frame by frame, digital animation, 3D and stop motion are usually the most used, we learn how each one is done in technical and physical terms to understand how the drawing is more important in the frame by frame, the interpolation in the digital one, the creation of the three-dimensional universe in the 3d and the timing for the photos in the 3d, taking into account variables that we can find in each one of them. Taking into account the genre of animation we can attach it to some type of technique to communicate correctly.


How to conceptualize animations based on the sound, reality or the context that happens?

The interpretation of sound and reality are important processes within animation, in this lesson students are asked to conceptualize an event in their lives and a video clip to animate them, a small part, that helps me understand how to distinguish what to tell about a real look and how to use timing correctly through the rhythm of the music.



Understanding the genres and the combinations with the techniques make communication in animation to be carried out correctly, in addition to understanding reality to interpret it, both in context and in rhythm.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T2.L2. Animation types 

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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