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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Introduction to Digital Marketing Strategy

“Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.”

 –Chris Brogan, Chief Executive Officer of Owner Media Group


This is exactly what a digital marketing strategy will bring you. With its help, you will build a relationship with potential customers, as well as a reputation, and all this will contribute to reaching the goal you have defined for your business, increasing sales.


In this lesson, we will learn...


what factors influence a digital marketing strategy, what types of digital marketing strategies are there.


What is a digital marketing strategy?


By creating a strategy, you define how you will achieve your goals and how you will allocate the resources needed to achieve those goals. With the help of a strategy, you provide a long-term plan for the development of the organization.

And then what is a digital marketing strategy?

Nothing but a detailed way in which you will achieve the goals that you have defined for the contribution of sales on digital channels. That is, the digital marketing strategy represents the channel strategy.


Resource: Pixabay


What factors influence a digital marketing strategy?


The digital marketing strategy is influenced by both internal and external factors.


  • Internal factors are influenced first by the company's business strategy as a certain framework, and then by the company's overall marketing strategy.
  • When it comes to external factors, these include the strategies of competitors, then the opportunities and threats that are in the environment, as well as the structure of the market in which the company operates and demands.

What types of digital marketing strategies are there?


Value proposition for new customers


This strategy implies the functionality of the website or another form of online communication that is associated with the offer of a new product or service.


Customer acquisition


This strategy means improving the existing characteristics of the site by using various online marketing techniques (such as content marketing, SEO, PPC, affiliate marketing, aggregators), all with the aim of attracting new customers.


Customer conversion


A strategy that aims to activate customers and increase the conversion rate and average order value. That is, the goal is to improve the experience that customers have with the brand.


Customer development


A strategy is better known as ‘Grow Customers’. The goal here is to improve the experience and offers for existing customers.




In this lesson, we learned that digital marketing strategy is nothing more than a detailed way you can achieve your business goals on digital channels. Beside that, we have learned that there are 4 types of digital marketing strategies, and they are:

  • Value proposition for new customers
  • Customer acquisition
  • Customer conversion
  • Customer development

In the next and last lesson in this course, you will learn how to create a digital marketing strategy and what structure it should be.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T9.L1. Introduction to Digital Marketing Strategy

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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