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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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1. Design a content plan

2. Design duration and episode plan

3. Find the tone of voice of the podcast In this lesson, we will learn…

1.How to design a content plan

What are all the contents that you can find around your topic? Most podcasts are based on the conversational abilities of the author. However, you need to have a content plan to work on it and see how many episode you need for all your contents. Each episode can be a simply a short story read aloud by either the host, or a voice actor or each episode can have a host interviewed by you. So, starting from all the contents that you want to share, make a plan. Don’t worry if you think it’s too short or too long. Write it down a plan, will help to visualize all you ideas and contents. exContents: The Cultural heritage in Madrid > 1 episode about Museo Del Prado > 2 episode about Plaza Mayor etc… Check the activity plan.

2. How to decide how long it’s each episode

Remember that podcasts can take many forms, think about how many people you can involve or you can do it from yourself. So you have to think about set-list, think that you don’t have images to support your story, so write your script with a lot of descriptions. For write it down the script of you podcast you can start first to make some test: with you phone, you can easily recording a audio of max 2 minute and listen if the topic/content you write work! Then you can organize the content with timing and have something like this example.


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Present your self and the topic of the podcast) 30-60 seconds

JINGLE 30-60 seconds

TOPIC ONE three minutes

TOPIC TWO three minutes

EXTERNAL CONTRIBUTE (Can be your host, someone who read, some quotes etc)


TOPIC FOUR three minutes Thanks audience, guests, talk about the next episode 2 minutes

JINGLE (suggest same as Intro): 2 minutes

Remember that often, the news stories are based around things that are centered in the opinion of others. So, having the opportunity to express these opinions will take time. And that's where the hour-long podcast come from. Also, podcast that are based around the method used by talk show hosts also need that time to express multiple opinions, and explore the many angles to the story.

How To Podcast: Your Step By Step Guide To Podcasting (p.17). HowExpert. Edizione del Kindle.

3. Find the tone of voice of the podcast

Like a Journalist

You can reporting with a formal tone of the voice, so you have to be prepared and authoritative and confident. It’s important to have a clear pronunciation owi2 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union th a lower pitch will help audience members feel confident in your credibility. Speak clearly and enunciate well, putting emphasis on the key facts such as locations and timings of events – there’s no room for misunderstandings with the news. However, you need to find that sweet spot where you aren’t over-enunciating as you could come across as patronizing. Last but not least you must always sound objective, keep a steady tone and try not to put emphasis on words which could imply personal opinion.

Like a close friend

If you"re planning on sharing intimate details with your audience you need to take on a completely different voice persona, being as natural as possible. Talking about personal matters such as: marital problems, relationships and sexuality need to sound unrehearsed and honest. Imagine you are talking to a friend oneon-one, emphasize words you normally would and add inflection at the end of a phrase, making your speech sound question-like will invite listeners in.

Like a person that you can trust

To have a voice which makes listeners feel in safe hands you need to sound genuine and warm. Your aim is to communicate with a soothing tone which creates a bubble of trust between you and your audience – opening up the opportunity for sharing. Also If you talk a little slower tend to be perceived as more friendly, this voice persona will help you be accepted as a trusted source by your listeners.

Like a teacher or communicator

Reliability and credibility are the key character traits you want to convey when presenting an educational or informative podcast. To hit the nail on the head, speak with conviction, have a steady tone, communicate clearly and with confIdence and don"t add go up in pitch at the end of your sentences – it will sound like you doubt what you"re saying!

Like a writer, actor or storyteller.

The key to great storytelling? Be as human as possible, and always try to work hard to tell some “true” even it’s personal but has to be shareable. Allow your audience to connect with what you"re saying and this will captivate them and compel them into wanting more. Be playful in where you place emphasis on words, storytelling can also allow you to have fun and take on various voices to convey different cha3 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union racters. For example, you can imagine a podcast with true-crime storytelling or interview to death people of the past…


Dedicate time to the preparatory work of the podcast, make choices at the starting point of design you own podcast, will guide you to have a very high quality standard of podcast!

The following video explains the content of this lesson:

Video T2.L1. From the idea to the structure

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

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