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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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The following table shows the three topics, each one divided into four lessons:

T1. Cultural and Natural Heritage L1. Audio-visual dissemination of heritage
L2. Script
T2. Camera Settings L1. FPS
L3. Aperture
L4. Natural Lighting
T3. Camera FLow L1. Camera movement
L2. Camera shots
L3. Audio recording and music
T4. Edition L1. Editing essentials
L2. Export settings

The first topic is dedicated to explain which type of heritage can be disseminated in a more effective way through a multimedia based on photo or based on video. Additionally, some tips are given about how to find relevant information about the heritage we want to promote and also it is explained how to prepare the technical script of our video content multimedia, with a detailed description of each sequence, including the narrative script (voice-over).

In the second topic, the most important camera settings are explained: FPS, ISO and aperture. It is really important to practice how to use these settings to obtain quality images in our video, as well as how to use natural lighting. Once you know the different effects that you can get with the camera settings and with natural lighting, you are ready to add all this information to your technical script.

The third topic is focused on camera flow and audio resources. Different types of camera movements and camera shots alter the way the scenes are perceived. Once you know the effect of them, you can plan which camera movement and camera shot you will use in each sequence of your video to properly transmit the information about the heritage element. At this point of the course, you have all the required knowledge to shoot your sequences according to your technical script. On the other hand, audio resources have a great impact on the final multimedia: you need to record the voice-over of your video, record some ambient sound and choose the music that best fits with your heritage asset.

Finally, the last topic is dedicated to edit the project using OpenShot editing software and export your final video. Your technical script will guide you in the process of combining logos, videos, photos, ambient sound, voice-over and music, with the aim of promoting the value of the chosen heritage element.

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