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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Avoid Experiment Pitfalls

There are many things to consider when performing experiments. In this lesson, we will learn:

  • What things to avoid during the experiment?

 You need to pay attention to the:

  1. Time Trap - To avoid time traps, you need to organize your time. Each week schedules time for testing, learning, and adapting to new situations. Set weekly goals and visualize your work.

Resource: Pixabay

  1. Analysis Paralysis - In order to avoid analysis paralysis, it is necessary to schedule your work on the analysis. Avoid discussions about opinion. The discussion needs to be based on evidence.

Resource: Pixabay

  1. Incomparable Data/Evidence - Use a test card. Create a test subject, experiment context, and precise metrics.

Resource: Pixabay

  1. Weak Data/Evidence - Pay attention to everything that people say but don’t believe in everything. Do call to action experiments to avoid weak evidence.

  1. Confirmation Bias - Create competing hypotheses to challenge your own beliefs. Perform multiple experiments for each hypothesis.

  1. Too Few Experiments - Do a couple of experiments to test your most important hypothesis. Make a difference between strong and weak evidence.

Resource: Pixabay

  1. Failure to Learn and Adapt - Take the time to analyze the results and adjust the idea. Create rituals to track whether you are progressing from idea to business.
  2. Outsource Testing When you outsource - It will be good for you to create a team of professionals testers.


If you have these notes in mind while performing the experiment, you are less likely to make a mistake. That way, you will be closer to realizing your idea.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T5.L1. Avoid Experiment Pitfalls

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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