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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Brand Extensions

Once you have successfully developed a brand, you need to continue to grow and develop your brand.


In this lesson, we will learn about:

  • brand extensions
  • advantages and disadvantages of brand extensions

When a company introduces a new product, it can take three different forms: 


1. It can develop a new brand, individually chosen for the new product (Keller, 2013). 

2. It can apply one of its existing brands (Keller, 2013). 

3. It can use a combination of a new brand and an existing brand (Keller, 2013).


Brand expansion is when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product (Keller, 2013). When a new brand is combined with an existing one, a brand extension can also be a sub-brand (Keller, 2013). An existing brand that creates a brand extension is the parent brand. If the parent brand is already associated with more than one product brand extension, then it can also be called a family brand (Keller, 2013).


Advantages of extensions


For companies it is not a question of whether to expand the brand, but when, where, and how to expand it. Well-planned and well-implemented extensions offer a number of advantages that can be broadly categorized as those that facilitate the acceptance of new products and those that provide feedback to the parent brand or the company as a whole (Keller, 2013).

Source: Pixabay

Facilitate New Product Acceptance

  • Improve brand image 
  • Reduce risk perceived by customers 
  • Increase the probability of gaining distribution and trial 
  • Increase efficiency of promotional expenditures 
  • Reduce costs of introductory and follow-up marketing programs 
  • Avoid the cost of developing a new brand 
  • Allow for packaging and labeling efficiencies 
  • Permit consumer variety-seeking (Keller, 2013)

Provide Feedback Benefits  to the Parent Brand and Company

  • Provide Feedback Benefits to the Parent Brand and Company
  • Clarify brand meaning 
  • Enhance the parent brand image 
  • Bring new customers into the brand franchise and increase market coverage 
  • Revitalize the brand 
  • Permit subsequent extensions (Keller, 2013)

Disadvantages of Brand Extension

  • Can confuse or frustrate consumers 
  • Can encounter retailer resistance 
  • Can fail and hurt parent brand image 
  • Can succeed but cannibalize sales of the parent brand 
  • Can succeed but diminish identification with any one category 
  • Can succeed but hurt the image of the parent brand 
  • Can dilute the brand meaning 
  • Can cause the company to forgo the chance to develop a new brand (Keller, 2013)



Based on these few items you can understand the essence of brand extension.


The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T6.L2. Brand Extensions

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFClick to collapse

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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