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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Brand Positioning

The effect of marketing is greater when applied to a branded product than to a non-branded product. That’s what brand equity explains to us. Brand equity consists of the marketing effects uniquely attributable to a brand.


Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning


Basic Concept

After the development of CBBE, the following is the outline of what brand positioning should look like.

The basis of marketing strategy is brand positioning. Positioning means finding a place in the minds of customers or market segments. We want customers to think of the brand as something desirable and good for them, something they need. By positioning, marketers should show the brand's value, why it is unique and how similar it is too competitive brands, how it solves the problem and why customers should buy it. 

We need to know: 

  • who our target customers are 
  • Who are our main competitors 
  • How our brand is similar to competitors 
  • How our brand differs from our competitors. (Keller, 2013)


Source: Pixabay

Target Market


Perceiving targeted customers is important primarily because different customer groups have different perceptions. The market is a collection of all actual and potential customers. Marketing segmentation divides customers into smaller groups that have similar views, needs, and behaviors. Segments depend on behavior, demographics, psychographics, and geography. So for a certain segment, a certain marketing mix could be used. We need to spot all of our customer groups and explore what each of these groups finds important, interesting, or unique to the brand. With this information, we can create marketing activities targeted at each customer group.


Branding Inside the Organization


Company internal branding is just as important as product branding to customers. It is important that all employees have an understanding of what the brand represents. Many companies have created various types of training, seminars, incentives for employees, to develop on a personal level. It is believed that healthy and happy employees will provide higher sales and profitability.




Take care of your customers and their needs. Learn as much as you need about them and use that knowledge to create a brand.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T4.L2. Brand Positioning

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