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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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The following table shows the six topics, each one divided into lessons:



T1. What is Brand

L1. Brand Definition

T2. Brand Identity

L1. Brand Elements

L2. Brand Personality

L3.Why do Brands Matter?

L4. What can we brand?

T3. Strategic brand management

L1. Strategic brand management process

L2. Challenges and Opportunities

T4. Brand Equity

L1. Customer-based Brand Equity

L2. Brand Positioning

L3. New perspectives on marketing

L4. Channel Strategy

T5. The New Media Environment

L1. Channels of communication

L2. Marketing Communications Options

L3. Brand Amplifiers

T6. Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

L1. Brand Audits

L2. Brand Extensions

The first topic of this course is focused on the definition of brand. The definition is the basis on which we will upgrade brand knowledge. There are many definitions and it is a very important task to fully consider the different opinions on this topic.


The second topic is about brand identity. Many confuse brand with brand identity. Brand identity is just one of the elements of a brand, one that is visible and easiest to explain.


The third topic is dedicated to strategic brand management. Brand strategy is a complicated and extensive topic, so we will deal with only a small part of this topic.


The fourth topic is more dedicated to Brand Equity. Brand equity is the essence of a brand.


The fifth topic is about communication. As we live in an age of communication, this topic is very important for presenting your brand. significant changes have taken place in the last decade and we will talk about the opportunities that are opening up.


The sixth topic is about performance. To know the success of your branding, you need to conduct a brand audit. Also, now it's time to expand the brand, introduce new products, etc.

In the next sections, each topic and its lessons will be described more in detail

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