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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Different steps need to be followed depending on the existence or not in O-City World platform of the city where the natural or cultural heritage that promotes the multimedia is set.

After having decided which multimedia are appropriate in terms of content and quality to be uploaded to O-City World platform, the teacher has to:
  1. Check if the heritage that promotes the multimedia is registered in O-City World platform (it should because there is a proposed activity for this). If not, propose the heritage.
  2. Register as a creator user. This user will be able to upload multimedia items and evaluate the work of his own students.
  3. Upload the item using the Content menu. The teacher has to specify the name of the authors of the item.
  4. Once the item has been uploaded, a validator (from the municipality) will review it and publish in the platform if it is of adequate quality.

In this case, some steps need to be done before being able to upload the multimedia:

  1. Search for a University or a cultural/educational organization at regional level and ask them to collaborate with O-City project. This organization will be able to create cities in the O-City World platform and to assign people responsible for the content of these cities in the platform (validators)
  2. The University or regional organization has to send a letter of invitation to the mayor of the city to request his/her permission to incorporate the city to the platform. A template for the letter of invitation is included in Annex III. As this can be a long process, especially in big cities, you can continue with step 3.
  3. Register as a creator user. This user will be able to upload multimedia items and evaluate the work of his own students.
  4. Upload the item using the Content menu. The teacher has to specify the name of the authors of the item.
  5. Once the item has been uploaded, a validator will review it and publish it in the platform if it is of adequate quality.

This is the letter that needs for a city to appear on the map of the world of cities.  Although in this model it is the leading university of the project that requests the mayor of the city to include it in O-City, in most cases it will be a regional university, close to the city, that sends the letter of invitation. If so, please substitute the name of the university with the appropriate one.

It is possible to start operating in O-City without the signed letter, but it is advisable to have it, since all the heritage items that appear on the map will be managed by the city council.


Competence Scheme, rubrics, evaluation process and badges

O-City has implemented a Competence Scheme with rubrics that can help assess the soft skills achieved by students during the creation of multimedia projects related to cultural and natural heritage elements in the O-City Platform.

Ten soft competences have been chosen as the most important in the whole creative value chain and making them known to the students and developing them through the courses could improve the students' professional future:

  1. Spotting Opportunities (Entrecom: Spotting Opportunities and vision)
  2. Creativity (Entrecom: Creativity & Valuing ideas)
  3. Working with others (Entrecom: Working with others and mobilizing others)
  4. Sustainable Thinking (Entrecom: Ethical and sustainable thinking)
  5. Critical Thinking (Entrecom: Ethical and sustainable thinking)
  6. Planning & Mangement (Entrecom: Planning & Mangement and self awareness and self eficacy)
  7. Learning Through Experience (Entrecom: Learning through experience)
  8. Information & Data literacy (Digicom: Information & Data Literacy)
  9. Communication and Collaboration in digital environments (Digicom: Communication & Collaboration Through Technical means)
  10. Digital content creation (Digicom: Digital content creation)

The competencies scheme defines a common framework in structuring the rubrics in a way that defines a robust assessment method for the soft skills related to the creation of multimedia elements of cultural and natural heritage.

You can get more information about the definition of this competencies scheme in the document: R5.1. CREATIVITY AND SOFT SKILLS FOR XXI CENTURY.pdf

Based on the competencies schema described, different processes are taken into account to discover the culture and build creative items. These students who create multimedia elements will acquire competencies (soft skills) accredited through virtual badges. One of the critical factors of the competency schema in O-city is that the referred knowledge and skills acquisition would be achieved “by doing”. With “by doing,” we mean that the student will work those competencies while he/she is learning how to create different multimedia items based on natural or cultural heritage and uploading in the platform.

This competence scheme with its associated badges has been incorporated into the O-city platform and has been tested by the teachers through the evaluation of the activities carried out by the students and, especially, in the evaluation of the final result of the multimedia element uploaded to the O-city platform.

To help this evaluation, O-city platform has implemented a decision tree or group of questions that a teacher could answer to define the level of the competencies achieved by the authors in uploading process of every multimedia item. 

This evaluation process is described in detail in the document: R5.2 Badges for creativity and softskills.pdf

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