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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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Activity A.T1.L3.1. Different short films

In this activity, participants will observe three animated short films, one international, one from the country you are at and another made locally to analyze them and identify their differences.

Here you are some interesting examples from different countries:

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your students:

Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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Activity A.T1.L3.2 Animation Heritage Characterization

In this activity, participants will draw a character, background or historical or social moment of the region on which an animation could be created. Try to represent a significant place or character in an animated style by analyzing its movements.

Here you have the activity factsheet, with clear instructions and examples to develop it in your classroom:

You can use this video to present the activity to your students:


Here you have the content of the video above in pdf  just in case you want to use it in your classroom:

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