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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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The following table shows the topics and lessons included in each one:

T1. History and legacy of animation L1. Animation as a gadget (lights and eyes).                                                                                  
L2. History of animation (where it comes from and where it is going)
L3. Animated referents (Ancient, modern and local animation).
L4. Traditional animation exercises
T2. Animation shape and background L1. What and how to tell? (stories and techniques) note: here we could specify two classes and shorten the next one.
L2. Referential types of animation (animation as perception, interpretation and recreation of our reality).
L3. Animation writing (text and visual).
L4. Characters, who are they and why are they there?
T3. Animation as a tool L1. Animation principles.
L2. Use of the principles (referents and exercises).
L3. Principles that affect my character
L4. Principles applied to alternative techniques
T4. Animation as creation and composition L1. My story, functions and techniques
L2. Character and background design (animation).
L3. Visual and sound montage.
L4. Final montage of the project. Bible, video and presentation.

Topic 1. History and legacy of animation

In this topic, we understand the history of animation as a visual deception and how through effects we can produce movements that tell stories. The topic it is divided into 4 lessons:

  1. Animation as a gadget: How animation is a deception to our eyes, discovering the first toys that were used to show movement as a zootrope and a kinetoscope.
  2. History of animation: How animation has represented different realities, first animation short films, where does the phi effect come from and perform a simple exercise with a camera. Realities as narrative, documentary and simple fun for the audiences.
  3. Reference in animation: Identify, search and collect different animated referents and how they portray the realities regarding the place and time where they are located. Finding the universality of animation within classic as well as modern animations.
  4. Traditional animation exercises: Practical lesson in which we design different visual toys mixed with a short story of our own to begin understanding the movement of objects through the eyes.


Topic 2. Animation shape and background

In this topic we will understand what are the ways in which they are approached in order to take advantage of the techniques and narratives of animation as much as possible, it is divided into 4 lessons:

  1. What and how to tell: Topics within animation, knowing what story is good, inspiration and references mixed with the different animation techniques
  2. Types of animation (narratives and techniques): In what types of narratives animation is used and what techniques can we use to represent it such as analog, traditional, digital, stop motion and others.
  3. Writing for animation: How to compose an animated film, how to write it in the correct format and make a visual script so that it is easily understood.
  4. Characters in animated stories: The character as the engine of the story, types of characters and identification with them.


Topic 3. Animation as a tool

In this topic, we see animation as an exercise, as the tool that will help us create animated pieces within a free software or application, or even a simple montage application in which the frame rate can be controlled. This topic is divided into four lessons:

  1. Animation principles: In this lesson, we will see the principles of animation based on Disney animators and we will understand their importance, through examples and basic exercises.
  2. Use of the principles: In this lesson, we will see how all principles are used within the animation montage, including more complex examples.
  3. Principles that affect my character: Here we will see which principles affect my character and how better characters can be built through the proper use of animation principles.
  4. Principles applied to alternative techniques: In this lesson, we will see how the principles are used in alternative animation techniques, differences and similarities.


Topic 4. Pre-production, production and post-production of an animated short film

The last topic is focusing on the understanding of how is the pre-production, production and adequate distribution of a short film or animated piece, starting with the idea, going through the conceptualization and animation and reaching the distribution and promotion of it. This topic is divided into four lessons:

  1. My story, functions and techniques: In this lesson we will begin to arrange the animated story that has been thought from the beginning, through the experiences and of the teacher and the group, understanding how it is better to tell it, with which technique and what tone and theme it is going to have, thus building a script and a developed visual script.
  2. Character and background design: We design all the characters and the universe where they are built so that the story has a clear narrative power and a fictional pact that works, both for the creator and the viewer. It is proposed to animate the same scene to understand the complete visual aesthetics.
  3. Visual and sound montage: We consider the montage of the scenes and the sound as a living entity that tends to change around the production, in the same way it is intended to create an animatic and the scene made in the previous class with important sounds, music and voices. It is proposed to at least finish the scene. It is also proposed to design the titles and credits of the short film to conclude it.
  4. Final montage of the Project, bible, video and presentation: The project concludes with a document which is my guide sheet for a correct production, where there are technical, narrative and personal aspects of the short film. The animatic video and the scene or fragment created are finished and presented to the group alongside with their learnings and queries.

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