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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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SPECIFIC CRITERIA to evaluate Sprint 4 - Prototype 1 2 3 4 5 Assessment Comments
1. All the main visual characteristics of the infographic series that clearly show how it might look have been represented in the sketches X 5
2. The prototype adequately follows the requirements previously identified X 2
3. The composition and the arrangement of the visual elements adequately follows the visual design principles (Gestalt principles, etc.) X 3
4. The students have elaborated a creative and appealing proposal about the infographic series X 5
5. The prototype is adequate to the purposes of testing and discussing the design of the infographic series (it implies that all the elements have been identified, even if they have not been applied) X 4
Total: 19 points (Accepted: 13-25 points; Rejected: 0-12 points) 19

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