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Course III.2 Digital Marketing

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The following table shows the three topics, each one divided into four lessons:

T1. Photography L1. Photography as a tool for heritage conservation
L2. Elements of a camera
L3. Diaphragm, Shutter Speed and Sensitivity ISO
L4. Image composition and characteristics of light in heritage photography
T2. Sound and Script L1. Writing a script
L2. Search for a music track
L3. Sound recording in situ
L4. Recording script readings
T3. Edition L1. Photo editing
L2. Audio-visual project
L3. Reviewing the video
L4. Publish your project

In the first topic some technical, compositional and lighting tools focused on Natural and Cultural Heritage are analysed. This knowledge will allow us to improve the image obtained and highlight the values of the site to correctly convey its main characteristics. Composition and lighting are essential when addressing to this type of multimedia realization. The main objective is to highlight the most important elements and make the viewer feel as if he was there. For example, when we refer to the facilities of the interpretation centre or the accessibility of the site, we must look for images that combine the heritage with these objects so that it is noticeable in the photos. Finally, it is worth noting the importance of the pedagogical factor of heritage, generally composed of a series of informative panels through which we must work photographically so that their content can be appreciated, integrating them into the site with the rest of the elements.

In the second topic, the main features of the script and the audio-visual resources to be used in the project are described. Once enough photographic material obtained, the images that will be part of the multimedia realization are selected, choosing those that highlight the main characteristics of the heritage asset. The script should include all the information obtained and will be the driving axis of the audio-visual project. The text must be recorded to include it as a voiceover with the proper music.

Finally, the third topic id dedicated to edit and assemble the project. The first phase will be to define its duration and according to that value, the resources to interact with each other and allow the information to be transmitted correctly will be combined (photos, voiceover and music).

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