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Course I.2 Intellectual Property

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Lesson 8 Value propositions


The value proposition is included in the phrase "the right person in the right position". Both for the company's customers and for the candidates employees is what the company promises. All the activities but also the development of services is guided by this promise.

The most basic service of a career company is to post a job advertisement in its website which connects all parties, clients - employers, their prospective employees and the company itself



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Every product / service tries to solve a problem / satisfy a need. The value proposition concerns the basics arguments as to why the customer / user buys the product or the service.


The indicative components of value proposition are the following


●  Performance.

The pest performance aims to be the trademark for many product offerings during the years. Many companies and industries manage to grow for dacates  by improving performance versions of the same products.

●  Customization (adapt to needs each customer).

Modern consumers believe in self-expression and individualism. They are waiting for products they use to be an extension of their personality and a means, through which they can transmit their values and priorities to the world.

●  Brandname / Status.

Brandname and status can be combined since they are interconnected. People will show faith at a design based on the trademark status.

●  Improved price

One of the most common elements on which a value proposition is based is price. There are many companies entering the market by providing a product or a service that is cheaper than the existing options.

●  Reduction of operating costs

The products and services serve to enhance the customer experience reducing the cost. Technology has played an important role in that.

●  Risk reduction

The lower the risk associated with purchasing a product or one service, the more value a customer has from him. The risk reduction provides a reassurance to the consumer.

●  Accessibility

Another key ingredient for an effective and reliable value proposition is create an affordable product or service that was not accessible to oneconsumer sector. Innovative technologies and variations in business models have both led to the offer accessibility to non-served customers

●  Convenience / Utility

Providing consumers with a product that increases convenience and usability is a very strong value proposition

The following video explain the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T2.L8. Value Propositions

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

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