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Course I.2 Intellectual Property

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Catch attention with artifacts-audiovisual supporting materials


We were speaking about how to do a good pitch during all this course and which info you should include in your speech, but how are you going to show it? There are some different artifacts and audiovisual supporting materials that you can use in your speech.

Once this lesson is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

  1. Recognise different softwares that can be used to make presentations.

  2. Know the main features of each one.

  3. Select the one that best suits their needs

In this lesson, we will learn about some examples of softwares and other useful tools that will help us in the preparation of a pitch.

1. From the theory to the practice

Over the previous lessons, we have reviewed the structure and different contents to be included in a pitch. We also reviewed our audience and how to address them. Those elements are fundamentals to prepare the speech that you will do. But once you know what you want to show, you also need to think about the format, and how you will show it, as it is not the same to make a presentation in person as stand alone than counting with audiovisual support.

When making a speech in front of an audience using artifacts and audiovisual supporting materials, you should adapt your speech to those tools and get prepared to make a wise use of those. For instance:

  • Anticipate the technical tools that you will have, so to avoid problems of format, incompatibility, etc. that might make you lose precious time

  • The artifacts are there to support your speech, to illustrate your arguments, but not the reverse. You should remain the main focus of attention of your audience.

  • Know your slides well and change the slides when needed, don’t get lost in your presentation.

  • Keep time to let your audience visualize the materials you show, and provide comments on your slides.

  • Always, privilege visual materials to text, if you put too much text in your presentation, your audience will read it, get distracted and stop listening to you.

2. Audiovisual supporting materials

Taking in account the tips we gave you in Lesson 2 Topic 1 about the content of your pitch and how to present it , here you have some tools to prepare pitch presentations:

Powerpoint:a classic, easy to use, but with few options to make a good design.

Canva: very easy to use and with good graphic quality; with a large number of default designs that you can customize and allows you to create attractive presentations even without having design notions. 

Genially: it’s a tool that allows us to generate interactive content without the need for programming and without having design knowledge.

Powtoon: is a video animation program. Although at first glance it may seem difficult to use, this program is similar to PowerPoint, with the particularity that it allows you to add animated slides.

Knovio:is a free program that allows you to add audios and videos to your presentations. Besides, it offers the possibility of sharing them through social networks or mail.

Prezi:The application is distinguished by its graphical interface with zoom, which allows users to have a closer or further view of the presentation area, in a 2.5D space.

Useful tools to use preparing your pitch

We want to introduce you some other apps created just to help you in preparing your business pitch:

Pitch Clock: This application available for iOS is ideal for you to work with the times of your releases. The best thing about this application is how simple it is. You simply have to enter the text of the speech that you have prepared in your editor and Pitch Clock will estimate the interval that it can carry out automatically.

Pitch Canvas: is an entrepreneurial brainstorming tool that helps you structure and visualizes your pitch on one page. It is created by David Beckett with an investor-centric design approach by using the investment winning elements of a Startup Pitch.


Pitch Professional: Through videos, Pitch Professional helps to understand the different aspects that are included in The Pitch Canvas: the problem and the solution, the product, the product demo, what makes it unique, the consumer traction, the business model , investment and equipment. The methodology is also discussed: The Open-3- Close.

Natwest Pitch: With NatWest Pitch you can record multiple elevator pitches on video, with the particularity that you must structure them in different sections. You have to articulate the key aspects of your business and clarify them in record time.

There are other websites that generate the pitch for you when you include the information that the page is requesting you. Although we consider that as the owner of your business, and the main pitcher, you must create the pitch yourself, here are some links of interest that may help you:>/p>

Elevator Pitch Generator

Elevator Pitch Generator Eggadrients

And do not forget this: Following the previous lesson about adapting your pitch to the audience, you have to think about which supporting material is better to use depending on who is listening to you. You will not use the same info to introduce your business to an investor than to a business partner, consumer or jury of some awards. Adapt all your pitches to the audience you are going to have.


If the elevator pitch format allows it, you should take advantage of the materials that you have at your disposal to support your presentation with visual and attractive contents.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T4.L3. Catch attention with artefacts

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

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