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Course I.2 Intellectual Property

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In the previous lesson we learned that before requesting financing, we had to have our client portfolio (even if it was small), as a way of demonstrating that we have been able to obtain it with our resources. But what type of clients do we have to address? How do I get them to choose my product or service over my competitors? What do I have to show them so that my product convinces them?

Once this lesson is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

  1. Recognise customers profiles

  1. Adapt their pitch to customers audience

Through this lesson, we will learn what types of clients there are and what guidelines we should follow when working with potential clients.

1. Types of customers:

In the following infographic, we will find different types of clients, it seems to us that it is important to know them although throughout this lesson we will focus on the “potential customer”.

2. Guidelines to reach your customers when you develop your business:

Create a connection between your product and your customer:

If we study the profile of our client, we will know what their objectives and needs are. This will allow us to present you well the solution that our product provides, that is, it’s about explaining the characteristics of the product that meet your needs.

Remember to review the problem-solution scheme, which we developed in Lesson 3, Topic 2.

Show why to choose your product or service over your competitors:

It is not enough to be able to satisfy customer needs, we have to show that we can do better than our competitors.

In the presentation of your pitch or in the conversation that you have with your client, argue well what is your differentiation, what are your strengths.

Use storytelling:

The technique of storytelling has been scientifically proven to boost sales, for example, using customer testimonials that tell of their experience.

Stories told in the context of sales allow the client to visualize how we apply.

Try to turn your presentation into a dialogue, not a monologue:

When we do a business presentation, it's fundamentally about creating a conversation, because interactive presentations keep customers more engaged.

To facilitate the conversation we can ask open questions. For example, after explaining a benefit, we can ask how would this help? How could this idea make things better?

Don’t leave without taking any action.

With our presentation, we have a clear objective (to get a contract, to give us the go-ahead ...), if, at the end of the presentation or the conversation with your client, you don’t get what we were looking for, find an excuse to get in touch again.

Your call to action may consist of offering something for free, a quote, meeting the team or the facilities ... Don't leave without having made your proposal or request.

Think about possible customer objections and how to respond to them

You can incorporate the objections in your pitch, accompanied by the corresponding arguments to refute them, making it appear that they have less weight than the benefits



In order to have a good portfolio of clients, it is important to spend time getting to know your potential clients and knowing how to adapt your message to their needs.

However, it’s not only about growing the number of clients, but it’s important to retain them, trying to exceed their expectations and serving them in a personalized way, both things will benefit your project or business and will bring you new customers.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T3.L2. Customers

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Lesson contents in PDFPulsa para colapsar

Here you have the contents of the lesson in PDF:

English version
Spanish version

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