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Course I.2 Intellectual Property

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Writing a script for a certain multimedia content

This module has been prepared to train users on issues related to sound and script. So, it will be useful for those who wish to learn how to write a script and what is the relevant information that must be transmitted at the time of spreading a heritage reality through a multimedia element. On the other hand, audio recording knowledge must be incorporated to be able to record it and know how to combine it with music, that accompanies and highlights the values of the cultural or natural good.

Once the module is completed and approved, learners will be able to:

  1. Write a script that summarizes all the values assigned to the heritage reality. 
  2. Select the music that best accompanies the script developed.
  3.  Learn the elementary concepts about sound recording, to be able to make multimedia content with a quality consistent with the cultural or natural good that we wish to expose.

In this session, we will analyze the main features of the script and the audiovisual resources that we will use in the project.

What is a documentary video?

A documentary is an audiovisual work that represents the most relevant aspects of the heritage reality and whose purpose is informative and pedagogical

But what information do we need to know? And how should we explain it?

Let's analyze the structure and mode of narration of the documentary script.

Stages for creating the script

  1.  The idea
  2. The research
  3. Synopsis and narrative structure


1-The idea

The first thing is, as in everything, the idea. In order to highlight the main characteristics of the heritage asset.


2-The research

The script is based on the research carried out, so this document represents an idea of its true dimension. The deeper the research, the greater the chances of the script.


3-Synopsis and narrative structure

We must think about:

  1.  what we want to tell
  2. what the objective is
  3. how we are going to tell it

With these definitions, we will write a script of intentions.

For example, what do you see in this photo?



What would you say about the historical building that you have portrayed?

  • You could talk about the city and the historical period in which it was built.
  • You should mention the construction characteristics of the building.
  • You will have to disseminate its values and the contemporary functions or uses of the building.


Heritage Proposal

Enter the O-City project website ( and propose your cultural or natural asset in just 3 steps:

  • Name of the asset
  • Short description
  • Image




Correctly explaining the characteristics of the heritage element will help spread its values.

The following video explains the content of this lesson and shows some examples:

Video T2.L1. Writing a Script for a certain multimedia content

Here you have the content of the video in pdf in case you need to use it in your classroom:

Analyze the outstanding values of heritage reality to be explained.

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